


Common methods to help create the generated descriptions for Automated Testing Framework steps.


var ATFStepDescriptionGenerator = Class.create();

ATFStepDescriptionGenerator.prototype = {
  initialize: function() {

  getOpenFormDescription: function(table, view, record_id, form_ui) {
  	var td, label;
  	var isStandardFormUI = !form_ui || form_ui.toString() === "standard_ui";
  	var formUIName = "";
  	if (!isStandardFormUI)
  		formUIName = form_ui.getDisplayValue();
  	// Find table label
  	td = GlideTableDescriptor.get(table);
  	if (td)
  		label = td.getLabel();

  	var messageMap = {
  		"new_standard_ui_view":  gs.getMessage("Open the '{0}' view of a new '{1}' form", [view, label]),
  		"existing_standard_ui_view": gs.getMessage("Open the '{0}' view of the '{1}' form with id '{2}'", [view, label, record_id]),
  		"new_standard_ui_default": gs.getMessage("Open a new '{0}' form", [label]),
  		"new_workspace_default": gs.getMessage("Open a new '{0}' form in '{1}'", [label, formUIName]),
  		"existing_standard_ui_default": gs.getMessage("Open the '{0}' form with id '{1}'", [label, record_id]),
  		"existing_workspace_default": gs.getMessage("Open the '{0}' form with id '{1}' in '{2}'", [label, record_id, formUIName])

  	// build a key based on the provided input variables
  	var recordKey = gs.nil(record_id) ? "new_" : "existing_";
  	var workspaceKey = isStandardFormUI ? "standard_ui_" : "workspace_";
  	var viewKey = "default";
  	// only use view if in standard ui
  	if (workspaceKey === "standard_ui_" && view)
  		viewKey = "view";

  	return messageMap[recordKey + workspaceKey + viewKey];

  getTimeoutDescription: function(timeout) {
  	if (GlideStringUtil.nil(timeout))
  		return "";

  	var seconds = timeout.dateNumericValue();
  	var description = "";
  	if (seconds > 0)
  		description = "\n" + gs.getMessage("With a failure timeout of {0}", timeout.getDisplayValue());

  	return description;

   * Translates an encoded query, such as one from a conditions field, into a human readable format
  getConditionDescription: function(tableName, encodedQuery){
  	return SNC.ATFVariableElementMapper.getConditionDescription(tableName, encodedQuery);

   * Processes first/last name logic and translates an encoded query, such as one from a conditions field, into a human readable format
  getUserConditionDescription: function(encodedQuery, firstName, lastName) {
  	return SNC.ATFVariableElementMapper.getUserConditionDescription(encodedQuery, firstName, lastName);

   * Returns a comma-separated string of field labels, given a comma-separated string of field names
  getFields: function(fields, table) {
  	var fieldElements = fields.split(",");
  	var fieldNames = [];
  	for (var i = 0; i < fieldElements.length; i++) {
  		var fieldName = new sn_atf.UserTestProcessor().getFieldName(table, fieldElements[i]);

  	return fieldNames.join(", ");

  getOperatorDescription: function(inputOperator){
  	var retValue = "UNDEFINED";
  	switch (inputOperator.toString())
  		case 'contains':
  			retValue = "contains";
  		case 'does_not_contain':
  			retValue = "does not contain";
  		case 'exists':
  			retValue = "is not empty";
  		case 'equals':
  			retValue = "is";
  		case 'not_equals':
  			retValue = "is not";
  		case 'less_than':
  			retValue = "less than";
  		case 'less_than_equals':
  			retValue = "less than or is";
  		case 'greater_than':
  			retValue = "greater than";
  		case 'greater_than_equals':
  			retValue = "greater than or is";
  	return retValue;

  limitTextToSpecifiedLength: function(inputText, limit){
  	if (inputText == undefined || limit < 1)
  		return inputText;
  	inputText = inputText.toString();
  	if (inputText.length > limit)
  		inputText = inputText.substring(0, limit) + '...';
  	return inputText;

   * Returns a list of the filenames for the attachments on the record with the specified sys_id (one per line, including prepending a new line for the first one)
  getAttachmentsForRecord: function(recordID) {
  	var result = "";
  	var attachmentGR = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");
  	attachmentGR.addQuery("table_sys_id", recordID);
  	// These filenames cannot be translated so send them as-is
  	while (
  		result += "\n" + attachmentGR.getValue("file_name");
  	return result;

  type: 'ATFStepDescriptionGenerator'

Sys ID


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