


No description available


var ConversationNodeUtil = Class.create();
ConversationNodeUtil.prototype = {
  ERROR_NO_SOURCE : "No source node provided. Unable to create a relationshsip without a source.",
  ERROR_NO_TARGET : "No target node provided. Unable to create a relationshsip without a target.",
  lastError : "",
  RuleRegistry : null,
  initialize: function() {
  	this.RuleRegistry = NodeRuleRegistry.create();
  insertNode: function() {
  update : function(record) {
  	return record.update();
  insert : function(record) {
  	return record.insert();
  connect : function(source, target) {

  	var parents;
  	gs.debug("Connecting {0} ({1}) to {2} ({3})", source.getValue("name"), source.getValue("sys_id"), target.getValue("name"), target.getValue("sys_id"));
  	if (target.getRecordClassName() == "sys_cb_collector") {
  		gs.debug("Parent is a merge, so add connection there.");
  		parents = target.getValue("parent_nodes").split(",");
  		gs.debug("Parents of target were {1}",parents.join(","));
  		target.setValue("parent_nodes", parents.join(","));
  		gs.debug("Parents of target are {1}", parents.join(","));
  		return !!target.update();
  	} else if (target.parent.getRefRecord().getRecordClassName() == "sys_cb_collector") {
  		gs.debug("Parent of target is a merge, so add the connection to the parent");
  		var parent = target.parent.getRefRecord();
  		parents = parent.getValue("parent_nodes").split(",");
  		parent.setValue("parent_nodes", parents.join(","));
  		var updated = !!parent.update();
  		if (updated)
  			(new GlideUpdateManager2()).saveRecord(parent);
  		return updated;
  	} else {
  		gs.debug("The target is not a merge, so we need to create one.");
  		var newMerge = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_collector");
  		newMerge.setValue("name", target.getValue("name") + " automerge");
  		newMerge.setValue("topic_goal", target.getValue("topic_goal"));
  		newMerge.setValue("variable_table", "var__m_topic_variable_" + target.getValue("topic_goal"));
  		gs.debug("Possible scope collision.");
  		if (newMerge.getValue("sys_scope") != source.getValue("sys_scope"))
  			return false;
  		gs.debug("Inserting new merge {0} ({1})", newMerge.getValue("name"), newMerge.getUniqueValue());
  		newMerge.setValue("parent_nodes", [source.getValue("sys_id"), target.getValue("parent")].join());
  		var inserted = !!newMerge.insert();
  		if (inserted) {
  			(new GlideUpdateManager2()).saveRecord(newMerge);
  			gs.debug("New merge was inserted, reparent the target {0} ({1}) to the new merge {2} ({3})", target.getValue("name"),target.getValue("sys_id"), target.getValue("sys_id"));
  			target.setValue("parent", newMerge.getUniqueValue());
  			gs.debug("Target reparented to {0}", newMerge.getUniqueValue());
  			var updated = !!target.update();
  			if (updated)
  				(new GlideUpdateManager2()).saveRecord(target);

  			return updated;
  		return false;
  disconnect : function (source, target) {
  	var parents = [];
  	var newParents = [];
  	var found = false;
  	var updated = false;
  	//source is the OUT record, target is in the IN record
  	if (target.getRecordClassName() != "sys_cb_collector") {
  		var newTarget = target.parent.getRefRecord();
  		if (!newTarget || newTarget.getRecordClassName() != "sys_cb_collector")
  			return false;
  		target = newTarget;
  		gs.debug("New target node is {0} ({1})", target.getValue("name"), target.getValue("sys_id"));
  	//see if the parent list includes the source
  	if (!target.parent_nodes.nil())
  		parents = target.getValue("parent_nodes").split(",");
  	gs.debug("Target's parent node list: {0}", parents.join(","));
  	for (var i = 0; i< parents.length; i++) {
  		var id = parents[i];
  		if (id == source.getValue("sys_id"))
  			found = true;
  	if (found) {
  		gs.debug("Found the connection between {0} and {1}, removing it", target.getValue("name"), source.getValue("name"));
  		if (newParents.length > 0) {
  			target.setValue("parent_nodes", newParents.join(","));
  			updated = !!target.update();
  	//the parent is the record we disconnected from, or there is only one parent so delete the merge
  	if (newParents.length < 2) {
  		gs.debug("Deleting target record {0} because there is no need for a merge here anymore.", target.getValue("name"));
  		updated = target.deleteRecord();
  	gs.debug("Target has been modified or deleted? {0}", updated +'');
  	return updated;
  getNode : function(id) {
  	var sys_id;
  	if (id && typeof id != "string")
  		 sys_id = id.getValue("sys_id");
  		 sys_id = id;
  	var baseGR = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_node");
  	var type = baseGR.getRecordClassName();
  	var nodeGR = new GlideRecord(type);
  	return nodeGR;
  getChildForNode : function(node) {
  	gs.debug("Looking up child for node {0} ({1}) of type {2}", node.getValue("name"), node.getValue("sys_id"), node.getRecordClassName());
  	var sys_id = node.getValue("sys_id");
  	var baseGR = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_node");
  	baseGR.addQuery("parent", sys_id);
  	if ( {
  		var type = baseGR.getRecordClassName();
  		var nodeGR = new GlideRecord(type);
  		return nodeGR;
  	var collectorGR = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_collector");
  	collectorGR.addQuery("parent_nodes", "CONTAINS", sys_id);
  	if (
  		return collectorGR;
  	return null;
  canNodeBeDeleted : function(nodeGR) {
  	//a node can be deleted if there are no children to it
  	if (this._hasNoChildren(nodeGR))
  		return true;
  	//a node can be deleted if it's a decision, and it's children can be deleted
  	if (this._decisionCanBeDeleted(nodeGR))
  		return true;
  	//a node can be deleted if it has a collector kid and we can unparent it
  	if (this._collectorCanBeDeleted(nodeGR))
  		return true;
  	return false;
  reparentNode : function(nodeGR, newParent) {
  	if (nodeGR.getRecordClassName() == "sys_cb_collector")
  		return this._reparentCollector(nodeGR, newParent);
  		nodeGR.setValue("parent", newParent);
  	return nodeGR;
  _reparentCollector : function(target, newParent) {
  	var parents = [];
  	var newParents = [newParent];
  	//see if the parent list includes the source
  	if (!target.parent_nodes.nil())
  		parents = target.getValue("parent_nodes").split(",");
  	gs.debug("Target's parent node list: {0}", parents.join(","));
  	for (var i = 0; i< parents.length; i++) {
  		if (parents[i] != newParent)
  	target.setValue("parent_nodes", newParents.join(","));
  	return target;
  _hasNoChildren : function(nodeGR) {
  	var nodes = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_node");
  	nodes.addQuery("parent", nodeGR.getValue("sys_id"));
  	gs.debug("Number of child nodes for {0} ({1}): {2}", nodeGR.getValue("name"), nodeGR.getValue("sys_id"), nodes.getRowCount());
  	if (nodes.hasNext())
  		return false;
  	var collectors = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_collector");
  	collectors.addQuery("parent_nodes", "CONTAINS", nodeGR.getValue("sys_id"));
  	gs.debug("Number of child collectors for {0} ({1}): {2}", nodeGR.getValue("name"), nodeGR.getValue("sys_id"), collectors.getRowCount());
  	return !collectors.hasNext();
  _decisionCanBeDeleted : function(nodeGR) {
  	if (nodeGR.getRecordClassName() != "sys_cb_decision")
  		return false;
  	//decision can be deleted if all outcomes have same child
  	var grandkids = [];
  	var outcomes = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_outcome");
  	outcomes.addQuery("parent", nodeGR.getValue("sys_id"));
  	while( {
  		var child = this.getChildForNode(outcomes);
  		gs.debug("Grandchild {0} ({1}) found.", child.getValue("name"), child.getValue("sys_id"));
  		if (child && grandkids.indexOf(child.getValue("sys_id")) == -1)
  	gs.debug("Number of grandkids found: {0}", grandkids.length);
  	return (grandkids.length < 2);

  _collectorCanBeDeleted : function(nodeGR) {
  	if (nodeGR.getRecordClassName() != "sys_cb_collector")
  		return false;
  	var parents = [];
  	var parent_id;
  	var oldNode, newNode;
  	//need to get real record
  	var node = this.getNode(nodeGR);
  	if (node.parent_nodes.nil())
  		return false; //something is wrong, this merge is bad		
  	var parent_nodes = node.getValue("parent_nodes").split(",");
  	//if there is more than parent, and a child, we can't delete because we don't know where to reparent the child
  	if (parent_nodes.length > 1 && this.getChildForNode(nodeGR) )
  		return false;
  	//can delete a collector if it has only one parent
  	if (parent_nodes.length == 1)
  		return true;
  	//can delete if the collectors parents are solely outcomes to the same decision
  	while (parent_nodes.length > 0 ) {
  		parent_id = parent_nodes.pop();
  		newNode = this._getNode(parent_id);
  		if (oldNode && oldNode.getValue("sys_id") != newNode.getValue("sys_id"))
  			return false;
  		oldNode = newNode;
  	return true;

  registerRules : function() {
  	this.RuleRegistry.registerRule("sys_cb_node", {
  		name : "One top-level node",
  		takes : "node",
  		rule : function(node) {
  			var sibling = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_node");
  			sibling.addQuery("topic_goal", node.getValue("topic_goal"));
  			sibling.addQuery("sys_id", "!=", node.getValue("sys_id"));
  			sibling.addQuery("sys_class_name", "!=", "sys_cb_collector");
  			return !sibling.hasNext();
  		error : "There is already a top-level Prompt, Action, Decision or Collector. Please select an appropriate Parent for this record and resubmit."
  	this.RuleRegistry.registerRule("sys_cb_goal", {
  		name : "Only one Primary goal",
  		takes : "goal",
  		rule : function(goal) {
  			if (goal.getValue("applicability_type") != "primary")
  				return true;
  			var sibling = new GlideRecord("sys_cb_goal");
  			sibling.addQuery("topic", goal.getValue("topic"));
  			sibling.addQuery("sys_id", "!=", goal.getValue("sys_id"));
  			sibling.addQuery("type", "consumer_to_system");
  			return !sibling.hasNext();
  		error : "Only one primary Topic Goal can be configured per topic. Please choose a different Condition basis for this Topic Goal, or change the existing primary Topic Goal to have a different condition basis before saving this one."
  	this.RuleRegistry.registerRule("sys_cb_outcome", {
  		name : "Outcomes can only have Decision parents",
  		takes : "sys_cb_outcome",
  		rule : function(node) {
  			if (!node.getValue("parent"))
  				return false;
  			return node.parent.getRefRecord().getRecordClassName() == "sys_cb_decision";
  		error : "Outcome records may only have Decision records for parents. Please change the Parent to a valid Decision and resubmit."
  	this.RuleRegistry.registerRule("sys_cb_node", {
  		name : "Only outcomes can be Decision children",
  		takes : "sys_cb_node",
  		rule : function(node) {
  			if (current.getRecordClassName() == "sys_cb_outcome")
  				return true;
  			if (current.getValue("parent"))
  				return current.parent.getRefRecord().getRecordClassName() != "sys_cb_decision";
  			return true;

  		error : "Only Outcomes may have a Decision as a parent record. Please change the Parent to a valid, non-decision record and resubmit"
  	this.RuleRegistry.registerRule("sys_cb_collector", {
  		name : "Collectors cannot be top node",
  		takes : "sys_cb_collector",
  		rule : function(node) {
  			if (!node.getValue("parent_nodes"))
  				return false;
  			return true;
  		error : "Collectors may not be the top-level node in a goal. Please create a Prompt, Action, or Decision to be the top-level node first."
  type: 'ConversationNodeUtil'

Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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