


Retrieves instance information from our management server and retrieves database credentials from a target instance given a user with admin privileges


var InstanceRetrieverAjax = Class.create();

InstanceRetrieverAjax.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
  myInstanceId: gs.getProperty("instance_id"),
  myMgmtServer: gs.getProperty("upgrade_server_url"),

  getCredentials: function() {
      var user = this.getParameter('sysparm_username');
      var pass = this.getParameter('sysparm_password');
      var instance_url = this.getParameter('sysparm_instance_url');
      var clone_id = this.getParameter('sysparm_clone_id');

      var success = this.authenticate(instance_url, user, pass, clone_id);
      if (!success) {

      if (this.hasSecurityToken())
          this._addResponse('security_token', this.getSecurityToken());

      var instanceGR = this.getInstanceRecord();

      //isUpdate returns true if authenticate passed
      if (this.isUpdate())

      var instanceSysId = instanceGR.getValue("sys_id");

      gs.log("InstanceRetrieverAjax instance sys_id: " + instanceSysId + ", instance_id: " + instanceGR.instance_id);
      return instanceSysId;

  authenticate: function(instance_url, user, pass, clone_id) {
      var answer = false;
      this._errorMessage = null;
      this._instanceGR = null;
      this._isUpdate = false;
      this._securityToken = null;

      try {
          var soapRequest = this._getSOAPResponse(instance_url, user, pass, clone_id);
          var xmlStr = soapRequest.getResponseXML();
          gs.log("InstanceRetrieverAjax getHTTPStatus=" + soapRequest.getHTTPStatus());

          if (this._haveError(soapRequest, xmlStr))
              return false;

          var xmlDoc = new XMLDocument(xmlStr);
          if (this._isValidResponse(xmlDoc)) {
              this._instanceGR = this._populateRecord(xmlDoc, instance_url);
              this._instanceGR.setValue("admin_user", user);
              this._instanceGR.setValue("admin_password", pass);
              answer = true;
          } else {
              var remoteError = xmlDoc.getNodeText("//error_string");
              if (gs.nil(remoteError)) {
                  var remote_instance_id = xmlDoc.getNodeText("//instance_id");
                  if (this._isSameInstanceId(remote_instance_id))
                      this._setErrorMessage("Destination has same Instance ID as source, unable to clone");
                      this._setErrorMessage("Destination returned invalid response");
              } else
      } catch (e) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Destination returned an error, please check your URL, username, and password");
          gs.log("InstanceRetrieverAjax error: " + e);
      return answer;

  getSecurityToken: function() {
      return this._securityToken;

  hasSecurityToken: function() {
      return this._securityToken != null && this._securityToken != "";

  getErrorMessage: function() {
      return this._errorMessage;

  getInstanceRecord: function() {
      return this._instanceGR;

  isUpdate: function() {
      return this._isUpdate;

  _getSOAPResponse: function(instance_url, user, pass, clone_id) {
      // create the soap document
      var soapdoc = new SOAPEnvelope("HAGetParams", "");
      soapdoc.addFunctionParameter("clone_id", clone_id);

      // post the request
      var url = this._buildWSURL(instance_url);
      gs.log("InstanceRetrieverAjax: Sending request to " + url);
      var soapRequest = new GlideInternalSoapClient(url, user, pass);

      return soapRequest;

  _isValidResponse: function(xmlDoc) {
      var remote_instance_id = xmlDoc.getNodeText("//instance_id");
      return !gs.nil(remote_instance_id) && !this._isSameInstanceId(remote_instance_id);

  _isValidResponseToken: function(xmlDoc) {
      return !gs.nil(xmlDoc.getNodeText("//security_token"));

  _isSameInstanceId: function(remote_instance_id) {
      var self_instance_id = gs.getProperty("instance_id");
      if (gs.nil(remote_instance_id) || gs.nil(self_instance_id))
          return false;

      return remote_instance_id == self_instance_id;

  _buildWSURL: function(instance_url) {
      var url = instance_url + "";
      var http = "";
      var slash = "";
      if (url.charAt(url.length - 1, 1) != '/') {
          slash = "/";

      if (url.indexOf("http") != 0) {
          http = "http://";

          if (url.indexOf("localhost") == -1) {
              http = "https://";

      return http + url + slash + "";

  _populateRecord: function(xmlDoc, instance_url) {
      var instanceGR = new GlideRecord("instance");
      instanceGR.addQuery("source", false);
      var qc = instanceGR.addQuery("instance_id", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//instance_id"));
      qc.addOrCondition("instance_url", instance_url);
      this._isUpdate =;

      // populate instance metadata
      var instance_name = SncCloneUtils.getInstanceName(instance_url);
      instanceGR.setValue("instance_id", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//instance_id"));
      instanceGR.setValue("instance_name", instance_name);
      instanceGR.setValue("instance_url", instance_url);
      instanceGR.setValue("production", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//production"));
      instanceGR.setValue("war_version", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//war_version"));

      // populate database parameters     
      var ip = gs.getXMLText(xmlDoc, "//ip");
      var jdbcUrl = gs.getXMLText(xmlDoc, "//url");
      var encryptedPassword = xmlDoc.getNodeText("//password");

      // for ease of development and testing in dev environments, no sql permission setting (IP address lookup takes 5s so try and skip it for dev)
      if (jdbcUrl !== null && jdbcUrl.indexOf("localhost") < 0 && ip == GlideHostUtil.getPublicIPAddress())
          jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl.replace(ip, "localhost");

      instanceGR.setValue("database_name", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//name"));
      instanceGR.setValue("database_tablespace", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//tablespace"));
      instanceGR.setValue("database_type", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//rdbms"));
      instanceGR.setValue("database_user", xmlDoc.getNodeText("//user"));
      instanceGR.database_password = encryptedPassword;
      instanceGR.setValue("database_url", jdbcUrl);
      instanceGR.setValue("source", false);
      instanceGR.setValue("primary", false);

      if (this._isValidResponseToken(xmlDoc))

      return instanceGR;

  _haveError: function(soapRequest, xmlStr) {
      if (soapRequest.getErrorMessage()) {
          return true;

      if (soapRequest.getHTTPStatus() == 401) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Invalid username or password");
          return true;

      if (soapRequest.getHTTPStatus() == 403) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Destination returned unauthorized access (Verify IP Access Control List)");
          return true;

      if (gs.nil(xmlStr) || xmlStr.indexOf("SOAP-ENV:Envelope") == -1) {
          if (!gs.nil(xmlStr) && xmlStr.indexOf("service-now") != -1) {
              this._setErrorMessage("Destination does not appear to have the HA Plugin enabled (HA Plugin must be installed on target instance)");
              return true;

          this._setErrorMessage("Destination does not appear to be a instance");
          return true;

      if (xmlStr.indexOf("Invalid table HAGetParams") != -1) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Destination returned invalid response (Verify user is an admin)");
          return true;

      if (xmlStr.indexOf("Web service not found") != -1) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Destination does not appear to have the HA Plugin enabled (HA Plugin must be installed on target instance)");
          return true;

      if (soapRequest.getHTTPStatus() != 200) {
          this._setErrorMessage("Destination returned error, status = " + soapRequest.getHTTPStatus());
          return true;

      return false;

  _setSecurityToken: function(token) {
      this._securityToken = token;

  _setErrorMessage: function(error) {
      this._errorMessage = error;

  _addResponse: function(name, node) {
      var item = this.newItem(name);
      var tn = this.getDocument().createTextNode(new JSON().encode(node));

  isPublic: function() {
      return false;

  type: 'InstanceRetrieverAjax'

Sys ID


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