


No description available


var ISCEventsUtil = Class.create();
ISCEventsUtil.prototype = {
  constants: new ISCConstants(),
  initialize: function () {},
   * This function will be used to migrate notification pref in Paris to N + 2 versions
  migrateNotifPref: function() {
  	// Mapping
  	var notifToEmail = {
  		"HP Role Added": "0766c2580f470010b25fea12ff767ec0",
  		"Failed Login": "1aa3a7a20f124010b25fea12ff767e5b",
  		"Weekly Digest": "9ba08edd0f220010b25fea12ff767e68",
  		"Security Elevation": "aa046ba20f124010b25fea12ff767ecd",
  		"Admin Login": "cba46ba20f124010b25fea12ff767e95",
  		"Impersonation": "dd0523e20f124010b25fea12ff767ee7"

  	// Get all notification preferences
  	var customGr = new GlideRecord("appsec_security_notifications");
  	if (customGr.isValid()) {

  		// Loop through each one and create a new record in cmn_notif_message for Primary email
  		while( {
  			// Get the device for this user
  			var notifDeviceGr = new GlideRecord("cmn_notif_device");
  			notifDeviceGr.addEncodedQuery("user=" + customGr.user.sys_id.toString() + "^nameLIKEemail");
  			if ( {
  				// Build the new notification record
  				var notifMsgGr = new GlideRecord("cmn_notif_message");
  				notifMsgGr.notification = notifToEmail[];
  				notifMsgGr.user = customGr.user;
  				notifMsgGr.notification_filter = customGr.enable ? "" : "c1bfa4040a0a0b8b001eeb0f3f5ee961";
  				notifMsgGr.device = notifDeviceGr.sys_id;

  	// Drop custom table
   * This function will be used to migrate dashboard events in Rome to new table. Migration will occur
   * after updates through a scheduled job.
   * Rome: Do not drop appsec_security_dashboard_event_logs. Will phase this out over 2 releases
  migrateDashEventLog: function() {
      // Get all dashboard event logs
      var legacyEventGr = new GlideRecord("appsec_security_dashboard_event_logs");
      if (legacyEventGr.isValid()) {

          // Loop through each event and insert into the new events table
          while( {
              // Parse out old record for information
              var eventName = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_event.toString();
              var userName = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_event_reference.parm1.toString();

              // Get user gr if there exists one, okay if null
              var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
              userGr.addQuery('user_name', userName);

              // Create new ISC event
              var eventTable = this.constants.dashEventToTable[eventName];
              var iscEventGr = new GlideRecord(eventTable);
              // Common information
              iscEventGr.user = userGr.sys_id ? userGr.sys_id : null;
              iscEventGr.event = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_event_reference.sys_id;
              iscEventGr.user_name = userName;
              // Insert event specific data
              if (eventTable === this.constants.tables.ISC_LOGIN) {
                  iscEventGr.login_type = eventName;
                  iscEventGr.ip_address = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_ip_addr.toString();
              } else if (eventTable === this.constants.tables.ISC_IMPERSONATION) {
                  iscEventGr.impersonated = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_event_reference.parm2.toString();

              // Update created on time
              iscEventGr.sys_created_on = legacyEventGr.sec_dash_event_created;
   * This function will be called by script action AppSec Event - Logins to handle
   * ISC related login events.
  loginEvent: function () {

      var that = this;
      var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
      var userName = event.parm1;
      var currentIpAddress = event.parm2;
      var eventCreatedOn = event.sys_created_on;

      // Get current user
      userGr.addQuery('user_name', userName);

      // Check if user exists
      if ( {

          // Check if current user has roles we desire
          var query = 'role=' + this.constants.ADMIN_ROLE_SYS_ID + '^ORrole=' + this.constants.EXTERNAL_USER_ROLE_SYS_ID + '^user=' + userGr.sys_id.toString();
          var sysUserRoleGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
          if (sysUserRoleGr.hasNext()) {
              // Get the login event from sysevent
              var loginEventGr = this._findSysEvent(this.constants.LOGIN, userName, currentIpAddress, eventCreatedOn);
              if (loginEventGr != null) {
                  var loginEventGrSysId = loginEventGr.sys_id.toString();
                  // Log dashboard event and check for security notifications
                  if (userGr) {
                      while ( {
                          if (sysUserRoleGr.role.sys_id.toString() === this.constants.ADMIN_ROLE_SYS_ID) {
                              _checkAdminEvent(userGr, currentIpAddress, loginEventGrSysId);
                          } else {
                              _checkExternalLoginEvent(userGr, currentIpAddress, loginEventGrSysId);
                      // Check for notifications
                      _notifyNewAdminLogin(userGr, userName, currentIpAddress);
      } else {
          // No record, must be maint login
          var loginEventGr = this._findSysEvent(this.constants.LOGIN, userName, currentIpAddress, eventCreatedOn);

          if (loginEventGr != null) {
              var loginEventGrSysId = loginEventGr.sys_id.toString();
              // Check SNC Login Event
              _checkSncLoginEvent(currentIpAddress, userName, loginEventGrSysId);

       * This function will log an admin login event to the security dashboard events table
       * if the user logged in has the role admin.
       * @param {GlideRecord} gr - glide record of logged in user
       * @param {string} ipAddress - ip address of logged in user
       * @param {string} eventSysId - sys_id of event reference
      function _checkAdminEvent(gr, ipAddress, eventSysId) {
          if (that._checkRole(gr, that.constants.ADMIN_ROLE_SYS_ID)) {
              // Grab event reference
                  eventName: that.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_ADMIN,
                  ipAddress: ipAddress,
                  reference: eventSysId,
                  userGr: gr

       * This function will log an external login event to the security dashboard events table
       * if the user logged in has the role "snc_external".
       * @param {GlideRecord} gr - glide record of logged in user
       * @param {string} ipAddress - ip address of logged in user
       * @param {string} eventSysId - sys_id of event reference
      function _checkExternalLoginEvent(gr, ipAddress, eventSysId) {
          if (that._checkRole(gr, '940ba702933002009c8579b4f47ffbe2')) {
              // Grab event reference
                  eventName: that.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_EXTERNAL,
                  ipAddress: ipAddress,
                  reference: eventSysId,
                  userGr: gr

       * This function will log a snc login event to the security dashboard events table
       * if the user logged in has snc prefixed to their name.
       * @param {string} name - username of logged in user
       * @param {string} ipAddress - ip address of logged in user
       * @param {string} userId - sys_id of logged in user
       * @param {string} eventSysId - sys_id of event reference
      function _checkSncLoginEvent(ipAddress, userName, eventSysId) {
          if (userName.endsWith("@snc")) {
              // Grab event reference
                  eventName: that.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_SNC,
                  ipAddress: ipAddress,
                  reference: eventSysId,
                  userName: userName

       * This function will send an email notification to the logged in user if they have
       * a high privilege role and the login event is occuring a new ip address.
       * @param {GlideRecord} gr - glide record of logged in user
       * @param {string} name - username of logged in user
       * @param {string} ipAddress - ip address of logged in user
      function _notifyNewAdminLogin(gr, name, ipAddress) {
          var foundNewLogin = false;

          // Verify notificaiton enabled
          if(that._canReceiveNotification(gr)) {
              // Check to see if this is the first occurence of this ip address
              var firstLocation = false;
              var loginEventGa = new GlideAggregate(that.constants.tables.ISC_LOGIN);
              loginEventGa.addQuery('login_type', that.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_ADMIN);
              loginEventGa.addQuery('user_name', name);
              loginEventGa.addQuery('ip_address', ipAddress);
              if ( {
                  firstLocation = loginEventGa.getAggregate('COUNT') === '1';

              // If this is the first location, next check for distinct ip addresses.
              // Only log a new event if there is more than one distinct ip address
              if (firstLocation) {
                  loginEventGa = new GlideAggregate(that.constants.tables.ISC_LOGIN);
                  loginEventGa.addQuery('login_type', that.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_ADMIN);
                  loginEventGa.addQuery('user_name', name);
                  loginEventGa.addAggregate('COUNT(DISTINCT', 'ip_address');

                  if ( {
                      foundNewLogin = parseInt(loginEventGa.getAggregate('COUNT(DISTINCT', 'ip_address'), 10) > 1;

          // If there's a new login, log the event
          if (foundNewLogin) {
              // Add security notification to platform
              var notificationListGr = that.addToNotifications(, gr.sys_id, ipAddress);

              // Send email if user has it enabled
              if (that._checkNotificationEnabled(that.constants.notificationNames.NEW_ADMIN_LOGIN, gr)) {
                  gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, gr.sys_id, ipAddress);
   * This function will be called by the script action AppSec Event - Failed Login
   * to handle ISC related failed login events. This will be used to record the
   * security dashboard events.
  loginFailed: function () {
      var that = this;
      var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
      var user_name = event.parm1;
      var ip_address = event.parm2;
      var eventCreatedOn = event.sys_created_on;
      userGr.addQuery('user_name', user_name);

      // Log dashboard event and check for security notifications
      if ( {
          var eventRecordGr = this._findSysEvent(this.constants.LOGIN, user_name, ip_address, eventCreatedOn);
          if (eventRecordGr != null) {
                  eventName: this.constants.dashEvents.LOGIN_FAILED,
                  ipAddress: ip_address,
                  reference: eventRecordGr.sys_id.toString(),
                  userGr: userGr
   * This function will be executed by a BR when the user gets locked out from
   * failing logins too many times. It will send a notification in the platform
   * that there have been failed login attempts made to notified user's account.
   * @param {GlideRecord} userGr - The sys_user GlideRecord
  loginFailedNotification: function(userGr) {
      var that = this;

      // Send notification based on lockout
      var maxUnlockAttempts = gs.getProperty(, this.constants.DEFAULT_UNLOCK_ATTEMPTS);
      if (userGr.failed_attempts > maxUnlockAttempts && this._canReceiveNotification(userGr) &&
          _checkConsecutiveEmails(userGr) < this.constants.MAX_EMAILS_SENT) {

          // Add security notification to platform
          var notificationListGr = this.addToNotifications(, userGr.sys_id, userGr.failed_attempts);

          // Send notification if we haven't sent 3 in a row already
          if (this._checkNotificationEnabled(this.constants.notificationNames.LOGIN_FAILED, userGr)) {
              gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, userGr.sys_id, userGr.failed_attempts);

       * This function will check the number of emails we have sent since the last lockout
      function _checkConsecutiveEmails(gr) {
          // Only send up to 3 emails if there have been 3 consecutive lockouts
          // There are 5 login failed attempts before a lockout, so 3 consecutive notifications
          // would have occured after 15 consecutive failed logins.
          var consecutiveFailed = 0;
          var eventHistoryGr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_EVENT);
          var q1 = eventHistoryGr.addQuery('name', that.constants.LOGIN);
          q1.addOrCondition('name', that.constants.LOGIN_FAILED);
          eventHistoryGr.addQuery('parm1', gr.user_name);

          while ( && consecutiveFailed < 18) {
              if ( === that.constants.LOGIN_FAILED) {
                  consecutiveFailed += 1;
              } else {

          return Math.floor(consecutiveFailed / 6);
   * This function will be called by the script action AppSec Event - Security Elevations
   * to handle ISC related security elevation events
  securityElevation: function () {
      var that = this;
      var elevatedUser = event.parm1;
      var elevatedTo = event.parm2;
      var eventCreatedOn = event.sys_created_on;

      // Grab user reference
      var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
      userGr.addQuery('user_name', elevatedUser);

      // Grab event reference
      var eventRecordGr = this._findSysEvent(, elevatedUser, elevatedTo, eventCreatedOn);
      if (eventRecordGr != null) {
          // Log the security dashboard event and notify enabled users
              eventName: this.constants.dashEvents.SECURITY_ELEVATION,
              reference: eventRecordGr.sys_id.toString(),
              userGr: userGr

       * This function will send an email notification to all high privilege users
       * when a user has their roles elevated to a high privilege role
       * @param {string} user - username of the elevated user
      function _notifySubscribedUsers(user) {
          // Get all admin/security admin users
          var allAdminGr = new GlideAggregate(that.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
          var allAdminQc = allAdminGr.addQuery('role', that.hpRoles[0]);
          allAdminQc.addOrCondition('role', that.hpRoles[1]);
          while ( {
              // Add security notification to platform
              var notificationListGr = that.addToNotifications(, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, user);

              // Send email if user has it enabled
              if (that._checkNotificationEnabled(that.constants.notificationNames.SECURITY_ELEVATION, allAdminGr.user)) {
                  gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, user);
   * This function will be called by the script action AppSec Event - Impersonation Start
   * to handle ISC related impersonation events
  impersonation: function () {
      var that = this;
      var eventCreatedOn = event.sys_created_on;
      var userImpersonating = event.parm1.toString();
      var userImpersonated = event.parm2.toString();

      // Grab user reference
      var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
      userGr.addQuery('user_name', userImpersonating);

      // Grab event reference
      var eventRecordGr = this._findSysEvent(, userImpersonating, userImpersonated, eventCreatedOn);
      if (eventRecordGr != null) {
          // Log the security dashboard event and notify impersonated user if HP
              eventName: this.constants.dashEvents.IMPERSONATION,
              reference: eventRecordGr.sys_id.toString(),
              userGr: userGr,
              impersonated: userImpersonated
          // Notify the impersonated user on platform
          _notifyImpersonatedUser(userImpersonated, userImpersonating);

       * This function will sned an email notification a high privlege user
       * if they are being impersonated
       * @param {string} user - the username of the impersonated user
       * @param {string} userImpersonating - the username of the impersonating user
      function _notifyImpersonatedUser(user, userImpersonating) {
          var userGr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
          userGr.addQuery('user_name', user);

          // Check impersonated user roles and the notification is enabled
          if ( && that._canReceiveNotification(userGr)) {
              // Add security notification to platform
              var notificationListGr = that.addToNotifications(, userGr.sys_id, userImpersonating);

              // Send email if user has it enabled
              if (that._checkNotificationEnabled(that.constants.notificationNames.IMPERSONATION, userGr)) {
                  gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, userGr.sys_id, userImpersonating);

   * This function will be called by the script action AppSec Event - Weekly Digest
   * to generate the weekly digest
  weeklyDigest: function () {
      // Get all admin/security admin users
      var weeklyDigest = JSON.stringify(new ISCNotificationTemplateUtility().weeklyDigest());
      var allAdminGr = new GlideAggregate(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
      var allAdminQc = allAdminGr.addQuery('role', this.hpRoles[0]);
      allAdminQc.addOrCondition('role', this.hpRoles[1]);
      while ( {
          // Add security notification to platform
          var notificationListGr = this.addToNotifications(, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, weeklyDigest);

          // Send email if user has it enabled
          if (this._checkNotificationEnabled(this.constants.notificationNames.WEEKLY_DIGEST, allAdminGr.user)) {
              gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, weeklyDigest);

   * This function will be called by the buisness rule AppSec Notification - HP Role Added
   * to generate the hp role added notification
   * @param {GlideRecord} currentGr - The GlideRecord for the sys_user_has_role
  hpRoleAdded: function (currentGr) {
      // Get all admin/security admin users
      var allAdminGr = new GlideAggregate(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
      var allAdminQc = allAdminGr.addQuery('role', this.hpRoles[0]);
      allAdminQc.addOrCondition('role', this.hpRoles[1]);
      while ( {
          // Data to send
          var parm2 = JSON.stringify({
              userSysId: currentGr.user.sys_id.toString(),

          // Add security notification to platform
          var notificationListGr = this.addToNotifications(, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, parm2);

          // Send email if user has it enabled
          if (this._checkNotificationEnabled(this.constants.notificationNames.HP_ROLE_ADDED, allAdminGr.user)) {
              gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, parm2);
   * This function will be called by the business rule AppSec Notification - Admin Unlock
   * to generate an admin unlock notification. This notification will be sent to security/admin users
   * when an unlock of a high privilege user account has been performed by a non system user.
   * @param {GlideRecord} previousGr - The glide record of sys_user before the update
   * @param {GlideRecord} currentGr - The glide record of sys_user in it's current state
  hpUserUnlock: function(previousGr, currentGr) {
      // Check if the user is moved from a locked state to an unlock state and it has been updated by someone that's not system
      var pLockoutState = previousGr.locked_out.toString();
      var cLockoutState = currentGr.locked_out.toString();
      var updatedBy = currentGr.sys_updated_by.toString();

      if (pLockoutState === 'true' && cLockoutState === 'false' && updatedBy !== 'system') {
          // Validate user is a high privilege user
          var sysUserRoleGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
          var isHpUserQuery = 'role=' + this.hpRoles.join('^ORrole=') + '^user=' + currentGr.sys_id;
          if ( {
              // Send notification to all high privilege users
              var allAdminGa = new GlideAggregate(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
              var allHpUserQuery = 'role=' + this.constants.ADMIN_ROLE_SYS_ID + '^ORrole=' + this.constants.SEC_ADMIN_ROLE_SYS_ID;
              while ( {
                  // Data to send
                  var parm2 = JSON.stringify({
                      unlocked: currentGr.sys_id.toString(),
                      unlocker: updatedBy,

                  // Add security notification to platform
                  var notificationListGr = this.addToNotifications(, allAdminGa.user.sys_id, parm2);
                  // Send email if user has it enabled
                  if (this._checkNotificationEnabled(this.constants.notificationNames.ADMIN_UNLOCK, allAdminGa.user)) {
                      gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, allAdminGa.user.sys_id, parm2);
   * This function will be called by the business rule ISC - Store Export Data
   * to generate an export event.
   * @param {GlideRecord} current - The glide record of sys_user in it's current state
  createExportEvent: function(current) {
      var jobGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_POLL);
      if (jobGr.isValid()) {
          var exportedTableName = current.file_name.toString().split('.')[0];
          var exportByteSize = current.size_bytes.toString();
          var exportRecordCount = jobGr.max.toString();
          var exportData = {
              exportByteSize: exportByteSize,
              exportRecordCount: exportRecordCount
          gs.eventQueue(, jobGr, exportedTableName, JSON.stringify(exportData));
   * This function will be called by AppSec Event - Export to generate the dashboard event record
   * for export events.
  createTableExportEvent: function() {
      var that = this;
      var exportedTableName = event.parm1;
      var exportData = JSON.parse(event.parm2);
      var userName = event.user_name;

      // User ref
      var userGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
      userGr.addQuery("user_name", userName);

      // Check for classifications
      var classification = this.checkClassification(exportedTableName);

      // Log the security dashboard event
          eventName: this.constants.dashEvents.EXPORT,
          reference: event.sys_id,
          userGr: userGr,
          size: exportData['exportByteSize'],
          records: exportData['exportRecordCount'],
          table: exportedTableName,
          classification: classification

      // Create export notification
      var exportNotifData = {
          exporter: userName.toString(),
          size: exportData['exportByteSize'].toString(),
          records: exportData['exportRecordCount'].toString(),
          table: exportedTableName.toString(),
          classification: classification

       * This function will send a notification to the platform and subscribed users
       * on their subscribed channels if the export has classified information that lines
       * up with the user's settings
       * @param {object} exportNotifData - The data object containing export information
      function _notifySubscribedUsers(exportNotifData) {
          // Get all admin/security admin users
          var allAdminGr = new GlideAggregate(that.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
          var allAdminQc = allAdminGr.addQuery('role', that.hpRoles[0]);
          allAdminQc.addOrCondition('role', that.hpRoles[1]);
          while ( {

              // Next, check if admin user has a classification setting
              var exportClassSettingGr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.ISC_EXP_SETTING);
              exportClassSettingGr.addQuery('user', allAdminGr.user.sys_id);
              if ( {
                  // Grab the classifications set by the user and find the intersection between the exported data and user setting
                  var userClassSettings = exportClassSettingGr.classification_alert.toString().split(',');
                  var exportedTableClass = exportNotifData.classification.toString().split(',');
                  var classIntersect = new ArrayUtil().intersect(userClassSettings, exportedTableClass);

                  // Get the record count and compare to user setting
                  var recordCount = parseInt(exportNotifData.records, 10);
                  var userRecordThreshold = parseInt(exportClassSettingGr.threshold, 10);

                  // Export contains classified data that matches what user wants to alert on
                  if (classIntersect.length > 0 && recordCount >= userRecordThreshold) {
                      // Add security notification to platform
                      var notificationListGr = that.addToNotifications(, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, JSON.stringify(exportNotifData));
                      // Send email if user has it enabled
                      if (that._checkNotificationEnabled(that.constants.notificationNames.EXPORT, allAdminGr.user)) {
                          gs.eventQueue(, notificationListGr, allAdminGr.user.sys_id, JSON.stringify(exportNotifData));

   * This function will check if the current exported table contains classified columns.
   * It will return the classified columns on this table.
   * @param {string} tableName - The exported table name
  checkClassification: function(tableName) {
      // Find all parent tables and possible classifications and build an encoded query
      var classifications = {};
      var tableUtil = new TableUtils(tableName);
      var extendedTables = j2js(tableUtil.getTables());
      for (var i = 0; i < extendedTables.length; i++) {
          extendedTables[i] = '' + extendedTables[i];
      // Find all classifications on columns from parent and child tables
      var dictClassGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.DICT_CLASS);
      while ( {
          classifications[dictClassGr.data_class.sys_id.toString()] = 1;

      return Object.keys(classifications).toString();
  // Helpers
   * This function will check if the user has a role
   * @param {GlideRecord} userGr - The glide record for sys_user
   * @param {string} roleId - The sys_id of the role being checked
  _checkRole: function (userGr, roleId) {
      var userRoleGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.USER_HAS_ROLE);
      userRoleGr.addQuery('user', userGr.sys_id);
      userRoleGr.addQuery('role', roleId);
   * This function will insert a record to the isc events log.
   * @param {any} obj - This object will contain only the necessary parameters
   *                    for the type of security event being logged
  _insertSecDashEventRecord: function (obj) {
      // Insert into the mapped event table
      var eventTable = this.constants.dashEventToTable[obj.eventName];
      var iscEventGr = new GlideRecord(eventTable);
      iscEventGr.user = obj.userGr ? obj.userGr.sys_id : null;
      iscEventGr.event = obj.reference;
      iscEventGr.user_name = obj.userGr ? obj.userGr.user_name : obj.userName;

      // Insert event specific data
      if (eventTable === this.constants.tables.ISC_LOGIN) {
          iscEventGr.login_type = obj.eventName;
          iscEventGr.ip_address = obj.ipAddress;
      } else if (eventTable === this.constants.tables.ISC_IMPERSONATION) {
          iscEventGr.impersonated = obj.impersonated;
      } else if (eventTable === this.constants.tables.ISC_EXPORT) {
          iscEventGr.size = obj.size;
          iscEventGr.records = obj.records;
          iscEventGr.classification = obj.classification;
          iscEventGr.table = obj.table;

      // Insert
   * This function will check if the user has the specific notification enabled
   * @param {string} notificationName - the notification being checked for 
   * @param {GlideRecord} userGr - the glide record of the user
  _checkNotificationEnabled: function (notificationName, userGr) {
      // Check if the specific notification is enabled
      var userPrefsQuery = "user=" + userGr.sys_id + "^notification.nameLIKE" + notificationName;
      var userNotificationSettingsGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.USER_NOTIF_PREFS);


   * This function validates that a user has the correct role to receive a notification
   * @param {GlideRecord} userGr - The glide record of the user
  _canReceiveNotification: function (userGr) {
      var canReceive = false;
      var receivableRoles = [this.hpRoles[0], this.hpRoles[1]];
      for (var i = 0; i < receivableRoles.length; i++) {
          var receivableRole = receivableRoles[i];
          if (this._checkRole(userGr, receivableRole)) {
              canReceive = true;

      return canReceive;
   * This function will find the desired system event
   * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to generate
   * @param {string} parm1 - The first parameter data
   * @param {string} parm2 - The second parameter data
   * @param {string} createdOn - The date the event was created on
  _findSysEvent: function(eventName, parm1, parm2, createdOn) {
      var gr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SYS_EVENT);
      gr.addQuery('name', "CONTAINS", eventName);
      gr.addQuery('parm1', parm1);
      gr.addQuery('parm2', parm2);
      gr.addQuery('sys_created_on', createdOn);

      return gr;
   * This function will generate an item in our security notification list table
   * @param {string} event - The name of the event
   * @param {string} recipient - The sys_id of the user receiving the notification
   * @param {string} email - The data of the notification
  addToNotifications: function (event, recipient, data) {
      var that = this;

      // Fire event queue to trigger email
      var notificationListGr = new GlideRecord(this.constants.tables.SEC_NOTIFICATION_LIST);
      notificationListGr.event = event;
      notificationListGr.label = this.eventNameToLabel[event];
      notificationListGr.user = recipient; = data;
      notificationListGr.description = _generateDescription(event, recipient, data); = false;

      return notificationListGr;

      function _generateDescription(event, recipient, data) {
          var description = 'Error fetching user information';
          var userGr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
          var foundUser = userGr.get(recipient);
          var templateUtility = new ISCNotificationTemplateUtility();

          // Generate description based on event
          if (foundUser) {
              var name =;
              if (event === {
                  description = 'There have been multiple failed login attempts for ' + name;
              } else if (event === {
                  description = data + ' has impersonated ' + name;
              } else if (event === {
                  description = name + ' has logged in from a new ip address ' + data;
              } else if (event === {
                  description = 'Security admin status has been granted to ' + data;
              } else if (event === {
                  var info = JSON.parse(data);
                  var gr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
                  description = info.role + ' role was added to ' +;
              } else if (event === {
                  description = templateUtility.convertToLexicalTime(new GlideDateTime()) + ' - Weekly Digest';
              } else if (event === {
                  var info = JSON.parse(data);

                  // Get unlocked user
                  gr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
                  var unlocked =;

                  // Create description
                  description = info.unlocker + ' has unlocked ' + unlocked;
              } else if (event === {
                  var info = JSON.parse(data);

                  // Get exporting user
                  gr = new GlideRecord(that.constants.tables.SYS_USER);
                  gr.addQuery('user_name', info.exporter);
                  var fullUserName = ? : info.exporter;

                  // Create description
                  description = fullUserName + ' has exported ' + info.records + ' records from ' + info.table;

          return description;
  type: 'ISCEventsUtil'

// Constants
ISCEventsUtil.prototype.eventNameToLabel = {
  'appsec.notification.login.failed': 'Failed Login',
  'appsec.notification.impersonation': 'Impersonation',
  'appsec.notification.login.new_ip': 'Admin Login',
  '': 'Security Elevation',
  'appsec.notification.hp_role_added': 'High Privilege Role Added',
  'appsec.notification.weekly_digest': 'Weekly Digest',
  'appsec.notification.admin_unlock': 'High Privilege User Unlocked',
  'appsec.notification.export': 'Export',

ISCEventsUtil.prototype.hpRoles = [
  '2831a114c611228501d4ea6c309d626d', // Admin
  'b2d8f7130a0a0baa5bf52498ecaadeb4', // Security Admin
  'bca873d30a000704013944bd9a5e03a4', // Impersonator
  '88a98433d7112100f20bc8170e61033e', // OAuth Admin

Sys ID


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