


This script include provides api s to create reports and dashboards for licenses.


var LicenseDashboardHelper = Class.create();
LicenseDashboardHelper.prototype = {
   LicenseType: Default: PER-USER
  	 * PER-USER:0
  	 * CAPACITY:1
  initialize: function() {
  	this.SUBSCRIPTION_METRICS_REPORT_TAG = 'Subscription Metrics';
  	this.PLATFORM_LICENSING_REPORT_TAG = 'Custom Table Consumption';
  	this.REPORT_RENDERER = 'com.glide.ui.portal.RenderReport';
  	this.SUBSCRIPTION_DASHBOARD_SYS_ID = 'b9a45fa2eb022100b8f326115206fe78';
  	this.PER_USER = "0";
  	this.CAPACITY = "1";
  	this.licenseType = this.PER_USER;
  	this.msg_source = "LicenseDashboardHelper";
  addToSubscriptionDashboard: function(/*GlideRecord*/licGR, /*sys_id*/ purchased_count_cfg, /*sys_id*/ allocated_count_cfg, /*sys_id*/ non_subscribed_count_cfg) {
  	if (!this._validateInput(licGR, purchased_count_cfg, allocated_count_cfg, non_subscribed_count_cfg))
  	var licName =;
  	// Creates a report for this license
  	// Create a guage which references the report and also add it to the subscription dashboard
  	var report_id = this.createReportForLicense(licName, purchased_count_cfg, allocated_count_cfg, non_subscribed_count_cfg);
  	if (!JSUtil.nil(report_id))
  		this.addReportToDashboard(this.SUBSCRIPTION_DASHBOARD_SYS_ID, report_id, licName + " Trend");
  		gs.log('Report creation for License:" + licName +  " failed, returning', this.msg_source);
  _validateInput: function (licGR, purchased_count_cfg, allocated_count_cfg, non_subscribed_count_cfg) {
  	if (JSUtil.nil(licGR)) {
  		gs.log('Dashboard creation failed for subscription because license glide record is null');
  		return false;
  	if (JSUtil.notNil(licGR.license_type)) 
  		this.licenseType = licGR.license_type;
  	this.isPerUserLicense = (this.licenseType == this.PER_USER);
  	this.isQuotaLicense = (this.licenseType == this.CAPACITY);
  	var invalidCfgs = JSUtil.nil(purchased_count_cfg) || JSUtil.nil(allocated_count_cfg);
  	if (!invalidCfgs && this.isPerUserLicense)
  		invalidCfgs = JSUtil.nil(non_subscribed_count_cfg);
  	if (invalidCfgs) {
  		var errMsg = 'Dashboard creation failed for subscription " + +  " because license purchased or allocated' ;			
  			errMsg += "or non-subscribed users ";			
  		errMsg +=  "count config provided is null";
  		gs.log(errMsg, this.msg_source);
  		return false;
  	return true;
  createReportForLicense: function(licName, purchased_count_cfg, allocated_count_cfg, non_subscribed_count_cfg) {
  	var title = licName + ' ' + this.SUBSCRIPTION_METRICS_REPORT_TAG;
  	var filter = 'sys_created_on<javascript:gs.beginningOfThisMonth()^count_cfg=' + purchased_count_cfg + '^ORcount_cfg=' + allocated_count_cfg;
  		filter += '^ORcount_cfg=' + non_subscribed_count_cfg;		
  	filter += '^EQ^GROUPBYtable_name^TRENDBYsys_created_on,month';
  	return this.createTrendReportOnCountTable(title, filter);
  createPlatformLicReport: function(licGR, allotedCountCfg, mappedCountCfg) {
  	if (JSUtil.nil(licGR) || JSUtil.nil(allotedCountCfg) || JSUtil.nil(mappedCountCfg)) {
  		gs.log('Platform Licensing report creation failed for subscription due to invalid arguments');
  		return "";
  	var licName =;
  	var title = licName + ' ' + this.PLATFORM_LICENSING_REPORT_TAG;
  	var filter = 'sys_created_on<javascript:gs.beginningOfThisMonth()^count_cfg=' + allotedCountCfg + 
  		'^ORcount_cfg=' + mappedCountCfg + '^EQ^GROUPBYtable_name^TRENDBYsys_created_on,month';
  	return this.createTrendReportOnCountTable(title, filter);
  doesReportExist: function(title, filter) {
  	//Return sys_id of report if report exists else return empty string
  	var repGR = new GlideRecord('sys_report');
  	repGR.addQuery('title', title);
  	repGR.addQuery('filter', filter);
  	repGR.addQuery('table', 'usageanalytics_count');
  	if (
  		return repGR.getUniqueValue();
  	return "";
  createTrendReportOnCountTable: function(title, filter) {
  	var reportSysId = this.doesReportExist(title, filter);
  	if (!JSUtil.nil(reportSysId))
  		return reportSysId;
  	gs.log('Creating a new report for ' + title);
  	// Create a report
  	var report = new GlideRecord('sys_report');
  	report.title = title;
  	report.table = 'usageanalytics_count';		
  	report.field = 'table_name'; // group by
  	report.type = 'line'; // hbar looked really awful!
  	report.sumfield = 'count';
  	report.aggregate = 'AVG';
  	report.trend_field = 'sys_created_on';
  	report.interval = 'month';
  	report.y_axis_title = this.SUBSCRIPTION_METRIC_Y_AXIS_LABEL;
  	report.filter = filter;		
  	// restrict viewing to usage_admin role
  	report.user = 'GLOBAL';
  	report.roles = 'usage_admin';
  	reportSysId = report.insert();
  	gs.print("Report SysID for : " + title + " ====" +  reportSysId);
  	return reportSysId;
  addReportToDashboard: function (dashboardSysId, reportSysId, reportTitle) {
  	var new_dropzone_id = this.addPortalSection(dashboardSysId);
  	if (!JSUtil.nil(new_dropzone_id)) {
  		this.addPortalPref('renderer', this.REPORT_RENDERER, new_dropzone_id);
  		this.addPortalPref('sys_id', reportSysId, new_dropzone_id);
  		this.addPortalPref('title', reportTitle, new_dropzone_id);
  addPortalSection: function (portal_page_id) {
  	// figure out which dropzone and offset to use and add a new dropzone
  	var portal_page = new GlideRecord('sys_portal');
  	portal_page.addQuery('page', portal_page_id);

  	gs.log('Calculating the new dropzone and offset ');
  	// Our subscription allocation dashboard is a standard 2 equal width column layout
  	// Page with dropzones - dropzone0, dropzone1, dropzone2 and dropzone 999
  	var offset_val;
  	var dropzone_name;
  	if ( {
  		var dropzone = portal_page.getValue('dropzone');
  		if (dropzone == 'dropzone1') {
  			offset_val =  portal_page.getValue('offset');
  			dropzone_name = 'dropzone2';
  		} else if (dropzone == 'dropzone2') {
  			offset_val =  parseInt(portal_page.getValue('offset')) + 1;
  			dropzone_name = 'dropzone1';
  	} else {
  		// No dropzone1 or dropzone 2 exists,
  		// create dropzone1 with offset 0
  		dropzone_name = 'dropzone1';
  		offset_val = 0;

  	gs.log('Adding a new dropzone ' +dropzone_name+ ' to the subscription dashboard');
  	gs.log('New dropzone offset is ' +offset_val);

  	var new_dropzone_id;
  	if (!JSUtil.nil(dropzone_name) && !JSUtil.nil(offset_val)) {

  		var new_dropzone = new GlideRecord('sys_portal'); = portal_page_id;
  		new_dropzone.dropzone = dropzone_name;
  		new_dropzone.offset = offset_val;
  		new_dropzone_id = new_dropzone.insert();
  		gs.log('Created a new dropzone with id ' +new_dropzone_id);
  		return new_dropzone_id;
  	} else {
  		gs.log('Could not create a new dropzone because either the dropzone name or offset is nil', this.msg_source);
  		return "";
  addPortalPref: function (name, value, portal_section) {
  	var portal_pref = new GlideRecord('sys_portal_preferences'); = name;
  	portal_pref.portal_section = portal_section;
  	portal_pref.value = value;
  type: 'LicenseDashboardHelper'

Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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