


Verify the user information provided on the first page of password reset experience.


var PwdAjaxVerifyIdentity = Class.create();

PwdAjaxVerifyIdentity.prototype = Object.extendsObject(PwdAjaxRequestProcessor, {

  identifyBL : new PwdIdentifyStageBL(),

  isPublic: function() {
  	return true;

  * Server side Ajax processor for checking the identity of a user.
  * Required Request Parameters:
  *  @sysparm_process_id - the password reset process-ID.
  *  @sysparm_captcha    - the captcha that the user entered or whatever ReCaptcha gives us.
  * Return value:
  * "200"  - If user exists & is enrolled for the process.
  * "500"  - If, for any reason, does not exist or enrolled for the process.
  * "bad captcha" - The user submitted captcha was invalid.
  /* eslint-disable consistent-return */
  verifyIdentity: function() {
  	// check the security before anything else. If any violation is found, then just return.

  	// Retrieve input params from form fields:
  	/* eslint-disable no-undef */
  	var sysparm_process_id = request.getParameter("sysparm_process_id");
  	var sysparm_captcha = request.getParameter("sysparm_captcha");

  	//Only self-service pwd request process will call this ajax req, and all self-service pwd reset process have public access
  	//if the public access is false for the sys param process id, looks as a attempt to get other's password.
  	var proc = new GlideRecord('pwd_process');
  	if('false' == proc.getDisplayValue('public_access'))
  		return '500';

  	var idenObjs = [];

  	// Adding the below for PRWA backward compatibility
  	if(!gs.nil(request.getParameter('sysparm_user_id'))) {

  		var idenUserId = request.getParameter('sysparm_user_id');
  		var idenProcessorId = "default";

  		// Get the processor Id
  		var procGr = new GlideRecord('pwd_process');
  		var idenSysIds = procGr.getValue('identification_type');

  		var idenGr = new GlideRecord('pwd_identification_type');
  		idenGr.addQuery('sys_id', 'IN', idenSysIds);
  		if (idenGr.getRowCount() > 0) {;
  			idenProcessorId = idenGr.getValue('identification_processor');

  			user_input: idenUserId,
  			processor_id: idenProcessorId
  	} else {
  		var idenLen = parseInt(request.getParameter("sysparm_identification_number"));
  		for (var i = 0; i < idenLen; i++) {
  				user_input: request.getParameter('sysparm_user_id_' + i),
  				processor_id: request.getParameter('sysparm_processor_id_' + i)

  	/* eslint-enable no-undef */

  	// verify identity
  	var res = this.identifyBL.verifyIdentity(sysparm_process_id, idenObjs, sysparm_captcha, this.request);

  	// verification failed, return error message
  	if(res != "ok")
  		return this._obfuscateResponse(res);

  	// Start a workflow to retrieve the user's lock state
  	if (proc.cred_store.type.use_flow) {
  		var isGetLockStateSubflowMapped = proc.cred_store.type.get_lock_state_flow != '' ? true : false;
  	} else {
  		var isGetLockStateSubflowMapped = proc.cred_store.type.get_lock_state_wf != '' ? true : false;
  	if (isGetLockStateSubflowMapped) {
  		var lu = new PwdUserUnlockUtil();
  		lu.startGetLockStateWorkflowNoVerification(gs.getSession().getProperty('sysparm_request_id'), gs.getSession().getProperty('sysparm_sys_user_id'));

  	return '200';
  /* eslint-enable consistent-return */

  _obfuscateResponse: function(response) {
  	if (!response ||
  		response.includes('block') ||
  		response.includes('user does not exist') ||
  		response.includes('user is not enrolled') ||
  		response.includes('not in process') ||
  		response.includes('user cannot receive email') ||
  		response.includes('locked') || 
  		response.includes('ldap error'))
  		return '500';
  		return response;

  type: 'PwdAjaxVerifyIdentity'

Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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