


Base class for password reset businses logic to extend from


var PwdResetStageBaseBL = Class.create();
PwdResetStageBaseBL.prototype = {
  STAGE: '',
  trackingMgr : new SNC.PwdTrackingManager(),
  	Check that a given request exists in the password reset request table. Logs a failure if it does not exist
  	@param {String} requestId - sys id
  	@return {boolean} whether it exists or not
  requestExists: function(requestId) {
  	if (this.trackingMgr.requestExists(requestId)) 
  		return true;
  	else {
  		var reqFailureMsg = "Request does not exist (request_id = " + requestId + ")";
  		this.logError(reqFailureMsg, requestId);
  		return false;
  // refTable and refSysId are optional
  logInfo: function(message, requestId, refTable, refSysId) {
  	this.trackingMgr.createActivity(PwdConstants.TYPE_INFO, this.STAGE, message, requestId, refTable, refSysId);
  logWarning: function(message, requestId, refTable, refSysId) {
  	this.trackingMgr.createActivity(PwdConstants.TYPE_WARNING, this.STAGE, message, requestId, refTable, refSysId);
  logError: function(message, requestId, refTable, refSysId) {
  	this.trackingMgr.createActivity(PwdConstants.TYPE_ERROR, this.STAGE, message, requestId, refTable, refSysId);
  type: 'PwdResetStageBaseBL'

Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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