


Extension which verifies the user answers match the expected data in the system.


// PwdVerifyPersonalDataProcessor
// This processor is used for the main business logic to verify the user 
// answers match the expected data in the system.

var PwdVerifyPersonalDataProcessor = Class.create();
PwdVerifyPersonalDataProcessor.prototype = {
  category: 'password_reset.extension.verification_form_processor',   // DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!
   * Initialization stuff here
  initialize: function() {
  * Process the verification form request, and return whether the user was successfully verified
  * @param params.resetRequestId The sys-id of the current password-reset request (table: pwd_reset_request)
  * @param params.userId         The sys-id of the user trying to be verified (table: sys_user)
  * @param params.verificationId The sys-id of the verification to be processed (table: pwd_verification)
  * @param request               The form request object. fields in the form can be accessed using: request.getParameter('<element-id>')
  * @return boolean telling whether the user is successfully verified
  processForm: function(params, request) {
     var isVerified = false;
     try {
         isVerified = this.verify(params.resetRequestId, params.userId, params.verificationId, request);
     } catch (scriptErr) {
         gs.logError("[PwdVerifyQuestionsProcessor.processForm]: '" + scriptErr + "'");
         isVerified = false;
     return isVerified;
   * verify - returns true/false whether the User's response matches the data from the sys_user table
   * Params: 
   * @reset_request_id
   * @sys_user_id
   * @verification_id
   * @request - the request object that was submitted by the user in the verification form
  verify: function(reset_request_id, sys_user_id, verification_id, request) {
  	var userAnswer = request.getParameter('sysparm_personal_id_' + verification_id).trim();
  	// Get the column defined for this verification
  	var column = new SNC.PwdVerificationManager().getVerificationParamValue(verification_id, "column");
  	if (column == '') {
  		gs.log("[PwdVerifyPersonalDataProcessor] Invalid verification configuration: Null value found for column.");
  		return false;
  	var table = "sys_user";
  	var valueFromDB;
  	var gr = new GlideRecord(table);				
  	gr.get(sys_user_id); // Join using the sys_user_id,
  	valueFromDB = gr.getValue(column);

  	if (valueFromDB) {
  		// Find the column type from the dictionary and figure out how to compare the values based on it
  		var dict = new GlideRecord("sys_dictionary");
  		dict.addQuery("name", table);
  		dict.addQuery("element", column);
  		var columnType = dict.internal_type;
  		if (columnType == 'ph_number') {
  			var nonDigitRegex = /[^0-9]/g;
  			// Remove all non digit chars
  			var valueFromDBStripped = valueFromDB.replace(nonDigitRegex, '');
  			// Force the userAnswer to be casted from object to string
  			var userAnswerStripped = userAnswer.replace(nonDigitRegex, '');
  			return valueFromDBStripped.equalsIgnoreCase(userAnswerStripped);
  		} else {
  			// default is equalsIgnoreCase compare
  			return valueFromDB.equalsIgnoreCase(userAnswer);
  	return false;
  type: 'PwdVerifyPersonalDataProcessor'

Sys ID


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