


Manipulates FC WWN (World Wide Names).


* Manipulates FC WWN (World Wide Names).
* @author roy.laurie
* @since fuji
var StorageWWN = function(wwn) {
  this.wwn = StorageWWN.parse(wwn);

(function() {
  var noWWN = '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00',
  	header = /\\\d.*$/,
  	simple = /^[0-9a-f]{2}(?:\:[0-9a-f]{2}){7}(?:(?:\:[0-9a-f]{2}){8})?$/,
  	prefixed = /^(?:0x|3)?(?:[0-9a-f]{16}){1,2}$/,
  	splitter = /([0-9a-f]{2})/g;

StorageWWN.prototype.type = 'StorageWWN';

StorageWWN.parse = function(wwn) {
  var wwnParsed = noWWN;

  if (wwn)
  	wwnParsed = (''+wwn).trim().toLowerCase() || wwnParsed;

  // remove header found from some SMI results
  // example: 2000002A6A7C8118\16846848\1
  wwnParsed = wwnParsed.replace(header, '');
  // handle various notations
  if (wwnParsed.match(simple) !== null) {
  	// regex matches preferred format:
  	//  20:00:00:2a:6a:7c:81:18
  	// nothing to do here, default notation
  } else if (wwnParsed.match(prefixed) !== null) {
  	// regex matches following formats:
  	//   2000002a6a7c8118
  	//   0x2000002a6a7c8118
  	//   32000002a6a7c8118
  	if (wwnParsed.charAt(1) == 'x' && wwnParsed.charAt(0) == '0')     // remove hex prefix
  		wwnParsed = wwnParsed.substring(2);
  	else if (wwnParsed.charAt(0) == '3') // remove scsi_id's prefix of 3
  		wwnParsed = wwnParsed.substring(1);
  	// split into pairs
  	wwnParsed = wwnParsed.match(splitter).join(':');
  return wwnParsed;

StorageWWN.prototype.getWWN = function() {
  return this.wwn;

StorageWWN.prototype.valueOf = function() {
  return this.wwn;

* Determines whether this WWN is lexicographically less than the provided WWN.
* @param StorageWWN|string rhWWN WWN to compare to. Will be converted to StorageWWN if string.
* @return boolean TRUE if this WWN is less than the right-hand WWN, FALSE otherwise.
StorageWWN.prototype.lessThan = function(rhWWN) {
  if (!(rhWWN instanceof StorageWWN))
  	rhWWN = new StorageWWN(rhWWN);
  var lh = this.getWWN();
  var rh = rhWWN.getWWN();
  return ( lh < rh );

* Determines whether this WWN is lexicographically greater than the provided WWN.
* @param StorageWWN|string rhWWN WWN to compare to. Will be converted to StorageWWN if string.
* @return boolean TRUE if this WWN is greater than the right-hand WWN, FALSE otherwise.
StorageWWN.prototype.greaterThan = function(rhWWN) {
  if (!(rhWWN instanceof StorageWWN))
  	rhWWN = new StorageWWN(rhWWN);
  var lh = this.getWWN();
  var rh = rhWWN.getWWN();
  return ( lh > rh );

StorageWWN.prototype.toString = function() {
  return this.wwn;


Sys ID


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