


No description available


/* jshint -W030 */

var VCenterVMTagsSensor;

(function() {

var vCenterSysId, vCenterUuid, datacenterMorId, datacenterSysId,
  tagSchema = {
  	cmdb_key_value: {
  		index: [['configuration_item', 'key', 'value']]
  args = {
  	schema: tagSchema

VCenterVMTagsSensor = {
  process: process,
  type: 'DiscoverySensor'

Sample data:
    'cmdb_key_value': [
function process(result) {

  var outputData, vmLookUpTableNames = ['cmdb_ci_vmware_instance', 'cmdb_ci_vmware_template'];
  var morIDs = JSON.parse(g_probe.getParameter('mor_ids') + '');
  output = JSON.parse(output);


  args.location = this.getLocationID();
  args.statusId = new DiscoveryStatus(g_probe.getParameter('agent_correlator') + '');

  // During normal discovery g_probe_parameters should always be defined.
  // It's only undefined during test execution.
  if (typeof g_probe_parameters != 'undefined') {
  	g_probe_parameters.cidata = this.getParameter('cidata');
  	g_probe_parameters.source = this.getParameter('source');

  this.statusID = new DiscoveryStatus(g_probe.getParameter('agent_correlator') + '');

  	We have only mor ids in the output but we need respective sys_ids to persist
  	the tags data into cmdb_key_value table so we retrieve the sys_id in
  	persist in the key called 'configuration_item' that is added for the entries in
  	"output" object

  	Sample data:
  				"value":"User : System Administrator",
  outputData = output['cmdb_key_value'];
  VMUtils.lookupSysIdsInTables(outputData, vmLookUpTableNames, vCenterSysId, 'object_id', 'configuration_item');

  output['cmdb_key_value'] = outputData;
  args.results = output;
  args.results = JsonCi.prepare(args);

  // Fetching Sys ids for the mor ids provided to the pribe
  VMUtils.lookupSysIdsInTables(morIDs, vmLookUpTableNames, vCenterSysId, 'object_id', 'sys_id');

  // Cleaning up the existing old tags data for the VMs Mor IDs provided
  cleanUpOldTagsDataForGivenVMs(output, morIDs);

function getProbeParms() {
  vCenterSysId = '' + g_probe.getParameter('vcenter_sys_id');
  vCenterUuid = '' + g_probe.getParameter('vcenter_uuid');
  datacenterSysId = '' + g_probe.getParameter('datacenter_sys_id');
  datacenterMorId = '' + g_probe.getParameter('datacenter_mor_id');

  Below is the function used to clean-up the old existing tags data for the set of
  VMs provided to the probe. "output" and  "morIDs" are the inputs passed to this.

  Inputs Sample Data is -

  output = {
  					"value":"User : System Administrator",

  morIDs = [
function cleanUpOldTagsDataForGivenVMs(output, morIDs) {
  var vCenterTagsSource = 'Tags';
  var obj = {};
  var dataMap = {};
  var updatedCMDBKeyValueRecords = output.cmdb_key_value;

  	We create a map. Each vm sys_id is the key

  	Sample Data for "dataMap"
  		"371b127a6780330018da6c706785ef03": [],
  		"331b127a6780330018da6c706785ef06": [],
  		"65d7ee3d674c330018da6c706785ef76": []
  	if (morObj.sys_id)
  		dataMap[morObj.sys_id + ''] = [];

  	We update the map in such a way that for each VM sys id,
  	any records in cmdb_key_value table are created/updated
  	if so then add all the sys_ids of the cmdb_key_value records
  	in corresponding arrays.

  	Updated Data for "dataMap"
  		"371b127a6780330018da6c706785ef03": [ 4f99e3ba6700330018da6c706785eff4 ],
  		"331b127a6780330018da6c706785ef06": [ d7bc223267c0330018da6c706785ef7e ],
  		"65d7ee3d674c330018da6c706785ef76": []

  	var vmSysID = obj.configuration_item + '';
  	if (dataMap.hasOwnProperty(vmSysID))

  for (var i in dataMap) {
  	var vmSysID = i;
  	var keyValueCMDBRecords = dataMap[i];

  	var gr = new GlideRecord('cmdb_key_value');
  	gr.addQuery('tag', vCenterTagsSource);
  	gr.addQuery('configuration_item', vmSysID);
  	gr.addQuery('sys_id', 'NOT IN', keyValueCMDBRecords);


Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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