🧠 This operates in memory or syncrounously. They are not asynchronous. If you do something slow, it will slow down the user experience.
Flow Designer is a weird piece of technology. This however may come to you as a suprise. Flow's don't have to run asyncronously. They can run syncronously. This is a huge deal.
I thought this was available in the UI for Flow but alas I don't see that option.
You can make them run IN MEMORY (syncronously).
This was meant to be a short item about the business rule Start FlowDesigner Flow
calling sn_flow_trigger.FlowTriggerAPI.fireCatalogTrigger(flowName, current)
. It seems that this likely runs IN MEMORY based on KB0959777
KB0959777: Service Catalog flow with: Invalid target record for notification
Service catalog flow with send notification errors out unexpectedly
Steps to Reproduce
Create a new service catalog flow (Make sure the flow runs in the background)
Add a Send Notification action
- Record: Trigger > Requested Item Record
- Table: sc_req_item
- Notification:
<create a new notification to use here if one doesn't exist>
Trigger the flow from a catalog itemExpected: Flow completes successfully
Actual: Flow errors with: Invalid target record for notificationWorkaround
- Update the Start FlowDesigner Flow Business rule to pass a new GlideRecord
// Pass a new current record var newCurrent = new GlideRecord("sc_req_item"); newCurrent.get(current.getUniqueValue()); sn_flow_trigger.FlowTriggerAPI.fireCatalogTrigger(flowName, newCurrent);
- Run the flow in the foreground rather than in the background
- Add a 1 second timer prior to the Send Notification
Now you might be thinking, but, wait, that doesn't mean it runs in memory. You know ServiceNow uses a thing called Workflow, and for a long time folks have complained they take a LONG time to run. The work around for that was to start the workflow with a timer, just like this. Adding a timer, effectively tells ServiceNow to use it's TRIGGER system to handle it later.