


No description available


var AddTestTemplateAjax = Class.create();
AddTestTemplateAjax.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {

   * creates new steps on existing test by order of steps in test template.
   * Default values for each step's input variables are populated when they match the specified types
  addTemplate: function() {
  	var testId = this.getParameter('sysparm_test_id');
  	var templateId = this.getParameter('sysparm_template_id');
  	var testName = this.getParameter('sysparm_test_name');

  	// default values defined in add test template modal
  	var tableId = this.getParameter('sysparm_table_id');
  	var itemId = this.getParameter('sysparm_item_id');
  	var rpId = this.getParameter('sysparm_rp_id');

  	var templateStepIds = this._getTemplateSteps(templateId);

  	// tableId may be null if the template does not have any step that requires table
  	var testTableName;
  	if (tableId) {
  		var tableGR = this._getTableRecord(tableId);
  		testTableName =;
  	if (!testId)
  		testId = this._createANewTest(testName, templateStepIds);
  		this._setTestDescription(testId, templateStepIds);
  	var nextOrder = this._getNextOrder(testId); // order of steps in template

  	// create each step in the template and provide default inputs
  	for (var i = 0; i < templateStepIds.length; i++) {
  		this._createStep(testId, templateStepIds[i], nextOrder++, testTableName, itemId, rpId);
  	return testId;

   * Returns true if the template has at least one step config that has a mandatory table input
  doesTemplateRequireTable: function() {
  	return this._doesTemplateRequire({internal_type: 'table_name'});

   * Returns true if the template has at least one step config that has a mandatory catalog item input
  doesTemplateRequireCatalogItem: function() {
  	return this._doesTemplateRequire({internal_type: 'reference', reference: 'sc_cat_item'});

   * Returns true if the template has at least one step config that has a mandatory record producer input
  doesTemplateRequireRecordProducer: function() {
  	return this._doesTemplateRequire({internal_type: 'reference', reference: 'sc_cat_item_producer'});

   * Returns true if the template has at least one step config that has a mandatory input variable of specified type
   * @param variable: Object {internal_type: *, reference: *}
  _doesTemplateRequire: function(variable) {
  	var templateId = this.getParameter("sysparm_template_id");"AddTestTemplateAjax: doesTemplateRequire variable: called with template_id " + templateId);"AddTestTemplateAjax: doesTemplateRequire variable: having internal_type: " + variable.internal_type + (!gs.nil(variable['reference']) ? ", reference: " + variable.reference : ""));
  	if (!templateId)
  		return false;

  	var templateSteps = this._getTemplateSteps(templateId);
  	return this._doesAnyStepHaveInputVariableByType(templateSteps, variable);

   * Returns true if input variable type is defined and mandatory on any of the provided step configs
  _doesAnyStepHaveInputVariableByType: function(stepConfigIds, variable) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord("atf_input_variable");
  	gr.addQuery("internal_type", variable.internal_type);
  	if (!gs.nil(variable['reference']))
  	  gr.addQuery("reference", variable.reference);
  	gr.addQuery("mandatory", "true");
  	gr.addQuery("model_id", "IN", stepConfigIds);
  	gr.query();"AddTestTemplateAjax: doesTemplateRequire variable: " + (gr.getRowCount() > 0));
  	return (gr.getRowCount() > 0);

   * sets all step's relevant mandatory inputs with indicated value when criteria matches
   * @param step GlideRecord of current step
   * @param variable Object {internal_type: *, reference: *, value: *}
  _setInputVariablesWithDefault: function(step, variable) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord("atf_input_variable");
  	if (gs.nil(variable['internal_type']) || gs.nil(variable['value'])) // required
  		return null;
  	gr.addQuery("internal_type", variable['internal_type']);
  	if (!gs.nil(variable['reference']))
  		gr.addQuery("reference", variable['reference']);
  	gr.addQuery("mandatory", true);
  	gr.addQuery("model_id", step.step_config);
  	// populate all relevant input variables on the new step
  	while ( {
  	    var variableName = gr.element;
  		if (step.inputs.getVariablesRecord().isValidField(variableName)) {
  			step.inputs[variableName] = variable['value'];"AddTestTemplateAjax: Populating variable on step, step config sys_id: " + step.step_config +
  			", variable sys_id: " + gr.sys_id + ", variable name: " + gr.element +
  			", default value to set: " + variable.value);

   * creates a step from template having specified table, item, record producer, and order values.
   * Sets all input variables where a default of the same type is specified
  _createStep: function(testId, stepConfigId, order, testTableName, catItemId, rpId) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_atf_step');
  	gr.test = testId;
  	gr.order = order;
  	gr.step_config = stepConfigId;

  	// Set the variable only if the step has a valid table input variable and the testTableName passed is not null
  	var tableVariable = {internal_type: 'table_name', value: testTableName};
  	this._setInputVariablesWithDefault(gr, tableVariable);

  	// set the step's catalog item by sys_id
  	var itemVariable = {internal_type: 'reference', reference: 'sc_cat_item', value: catItemId};
  	this._setInputVariablesWithDefault(gr, itemVariable);

  	// set the step's record producer by sys_id
  	var recordProducerVariable = {internal_type: 'reference', reference: 'sc_cat_item_producer', value: rpId};
  	this._setInputVariablesWithDefault(gr, recordProducerVariable);

  	gr.insert();"AddTestTemplateAjax: added step: " + gr.sys_id + ", test: " + gr.test + ", step config: " + gr.step_config);
  _getNextOrder: function(testId) {		
  	var ga = new GlideAggregate('sys_atf_step');
  	ga.addQuery('test', testId);
  	ga.addAggregate('MAX', 'order');
  	var next = 1;
  	if (
  		return parseInt(ga.getAggregate('MAX', 'order'), 10) + next;
  	return next;
  _createANewTest: function(testName, templateStepIds) {
  	var atfTestGR = new GlideRecord('sys_atf_test');
  	atfTestGR.initialize(); = testName;
  	atfTestGR.description = this._generateReminderMessage(templateStepIds);
  	return atfTestGR.getUniqueValue();
  _getStepTemplateReminderMap: function() {
  	var stepReminderBySysId = {};
  	var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_atf_step_config');
  	while ( {
  		stepReminderBySysId[gr.getUniqueValue()] = gr.getValue('template_reminder');
  	return stepReminderBySysId;
  _generateReminderMessage: function(stepConfigIds) {
  	var stepReminder = this._getStepTemplateReminderMap();
  	var i;
  	var message = "Test generated from template. To complete this test do the following:\n";
  	for (i = 1; i <= stepConfigIds.length; i++) {
  		message += i + ". " + stepReminder[stepConfigIds[i-1]] + "\n";
  	return message;
  _getTableRecord: function(tableId) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_db_object');
  	return gr;
  _getTemplateSteps: function(templateId) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_atf_test_template');
  	var steps = gr.template;
  	return steps.split(',');
  _getTestRecord: function(testId) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_atf_test');
  	return gr;
  _setTestDescription: function(testId, stepConfigIds) {
  	var testGR = this._getTestRecord(testId);
  	var desc = testGR.description;
  	if (desc != "")
  		desc += "\n" + this._generateReminderMessage(stepConfigIds);
  		desc = this._generateReminderMessage(stepConfigIds);
  	testGR.setValue('description', desc);
  type: 'AddTestTemplateAjax'

Sys ID


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