


Determine the approval engine to be used for a document.


/* global gs, approvalengine_record, GlideProperties */
/* eslint-disable strict, quotes */

var ApprovalEngineUtils = Class.create();
ApprovalEngineUtils.prototype = {

  initialize: function() {

   * Determine which approval engine the record should be using.
   * Inputs:
   *    approvalengine_record is the record to determine the approval engine for and is available
   *    as a javascript variable by the same name
   * Returns:
   *    "approval_engine" - use the simple approval engine (approval rules)
   *    "process_guide" - use advanced approvals (process guides)
   *    "off" Don't use approval rules, use this setting if workflows are managing approvals.
  determine: function() {
  	// if this is a sysapproval, determine the engine based its task
  	if (approvalengine_record.getRecordClassName() == 'sysapproval_approver') {
  		if (approvalengine_record.sysapproval.nil() || approvalengine_record.sysapproval.sys_id.nil())
  			return "off"; // This approval is for a non-task target record

  		var gr = approvalengine_record.sysapproval.sys_id.getGlideRecord();
  		if (!gr.isValid())
  			return "off";

  		var engine = this.getEngineForTarget(gr);
  		// sysapproval_approver record are always handled by the ApprovalEngine - if it is bound
  		// to a Process Guide, the ApprovalEngine will call into the Process Guide to handle it
  		if (engine === "process_guide")
  			engine = "approval_engine";

  		return engine;
  	return this.getEngineForTarget(approvalengine_record);

  getEngineForTable: function(tableName) {
  	var engine = gs.getProperty("glide.approval_engine." + tableName, "") + '';
  	if (engine == "")
  		engine = gs.getProperty("glide.approval_engine_default", "off") + "";

  	return engine;
  getEngineForTarget: function(record) {
  	// Do not run any approval engines if we are using workflow
  	if (record.instanceOf('sc_req_item'))
  		if ((record.cat_item.workflow != null) && (!record.cat_item.workflow.nil()))
  			return "off";

  	// approval is only appropriate for task tables
  	if (!record.instanceOf('task'))
  		return "off";

  	return this.getEngineForTable(record.getRecordClassName());

  type: 'ApprovalEngineUtils'

Sys ID


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