


Generates a diff in the form of HTML from two strings


var Differ = Class.create();

Differ.prototype = {

   * Given two text strings return a table representing the diff of those two strings
   * name is the field name that represents those strings.
   * (optional) change is whether or not to return a result if text strings are equal
  diff: function(text1, text2, name, change){
      if (change == null) 
          change = false;
      text1 = this._replaceSpaces(text1);
      text2 = this._replaceSpaces(text2);
      var difflib = new DiffLib();
      var base = difflib.stringAsLines(text1);
      var newText = difflib.stringAsLines(text2);
      var sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newText);
      var opcodes = sm.get_opcodes();
      if (!change && (opcodes.length == 0 || (opcodes.length <= 1 && opcodes[0][0] == "equal"))) 
          return "";
      var diffview = new DiffView();
      var view = diffview.buildView({
          baseTextLines: base,
          newTextLines: newText,
          opcodes: opcodes,
          baseTextName: "Base System",
          newTextName: "Customized",
          contextSize: null,
          viewType: 0,
          element: name
      return GlideXMLUtil.toString(view);
  getOpcodes: function(text1, text2){
      var text1 = this._replaceSpaces(text1);
      var text2 = this._replaceSpaces(text2);
      var difflib = new DiffLib();
      var base = difflib.stringAsLines(text2);
      var newText = difflib.stringAsLines(text1);
      var sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newText);
      return sm.get_opcodes() + "";
  _getRoot: function(xmlstring){
      var xml = GlideXMLUtil.parse(xmlstring);
      var root = xml.getFirstChild();
      if (root.getTagName() == "record_update") 
          root = root.getFirstChild();
      return root;
   *  When Diffing an XML String add a line that describes the action.
  _getActionCompare: function(element1, element2) {
       if (JSUtil.nil(element1.getAttribute("action") + "")){
          element1 = element1.getFirstChild();
          element2 = element2.getFirstChild();
       var action1 = element1.getAttribute("action");
       var action2 = element2.getAttribute("action");
       if (!JSUtil.nil(action1) && !JSUtil.nil(action2)) 
         return this.diff(action1 + "",action2 + "", "action", false) + "";
       return "";
  _noInfo: function(){
      return null;
   *  html removes spaces so this function replaces the spaces at the begining
   *  of each line with special space.  Can't replace all spaces because this will mess up wrapping.
  _replaceSpaces: function(text){
      var lines = text.split("\n");
      text = "";
      for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
          var spaces = "";
          var characters = "";
          for (var j = 0; j < lines[i].length; j++) {
              if (lines[i][j] == " ") {
  			   //uses special space character no visible in browser
                  spaces += " ";
              else {
                  characters = lines[i].substring(j, lines[i].length);
          text += spaces + characters + "\n";
      return text.substring(0, text.length - 1);

Sys ID


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