


Customers should not change this class directly, rather override methods in the subclass. This class is never called directly.


var KBWorkflowSNC = Class.create();

KBWorkflowSNC.prototype = Object.extendsObject(KBCommon, {
  initialize: function() {

   * Updates the workflow_state of a kb_knowledge according to the passed state.
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge record that requires state change
   * @param String the record status should be updated to this value
   * @return Boolean success if kb_knowledge state is progressed
  progressStatus: function(kbKnowledgeGR, state) {
  	kbKnowledgeGR.setValue("workflow_state", state);
  	if (state == "published" || state == "retired")
  		kbKnowledgeGR.setValue(state, new GlideDate());
  	return true;

   * Publishes the kb_knowledge record
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge record that is published
   * @return Boolean True if kb_knowledge updated successfully
  publishKnowledge: function(kbKnowledgeGR) {
      kbKnowledgeGR.workflow_state = "published";
  	kbKnowledgeGR.retired = "";
  	kbKnowledgeGR.published = new GlideDate();
  	return true;
   * Cancels any approvals associated with the kb_knowledge and reverts
   * to the records previous state.
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge
   * @return successful update operation
  cancelApproval: function(knowledgeGR) {
      var mapState = {review: "draft", pending_retirement: "published"};
      new Workflow().cancel(knowledgeGR, knowledgeGR.getTableName());
      return this.progressStatus(knowledgeGR, mapState[knowledgeGR.workflow_state + ""]);
   * Retires the kb_knowledge record
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge record that is retired
   * @return Boolean True if kb_knowledge updated successfully
  retireKnowledge: function(knowledgeGR) {
  	// Case 1: Ensure the parent kb_knowledge record can be found
  	if (!knowledgeGR.isValid())
  		return false;
  	// Default: Set the kb_knowledge record to a state of retired
      knowledgeGR.workflow_state = "retired";
  	knowledgeGR.retired = new GlideDate();
  	return true;
   * Starts the workflow associated to the knowled_base.
   * @param workflowField the field used to find the publish/ retire workflow
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge record that has been sent for publish
   * @return Boolean true if operation was successful
  startWorkflow: function(knowledgeGR, workflowField) {
      var workflowId = this._getDotField(knowledgeGR, "kb_knowledge_base." + workflowField);
      if (JSUtil.nil(workflowId))
          return false;
      var initial_workflow_state = knowledgeGR.workflow_state;
      var context = new Workflow().startFlow(workflowId, knowledgeGR, knowledgeGR.operation(), {initial_workflow_state:initial_workflow_state});
      if (JSUtil.nil(context))
          return false;
      return true;

   * Gets a list of managers and the owner from the associated Knowledge Base, 
   * which will be used as approvers for the kb_knowledge.
   * Check for users in ownership group, if exists, return list of users.
   * otherwise, Check for Owner and managers.
   * @param GlideRecord kb_knowledge that is going through approval
   * @return String comma seperated list of user_ids
  getApprovers: function(knowledgeGR) {
      if (this.isVersioningInstalled() && gs.getProperty("glide.knowman.ownership_group.enabled",'false') +'' == 'true') {
          var users = new KBOwnershipGroup().getOwnershipGroupMembers(knowledgeGR);
          if (gs.getProperty("glide.knowman.ownership_group.allow_self_approval", 'true') == 'false') {
              var author = (knowledgeGR.revised_by && knowledgeGR.revised_by != '') ? knowledgeGR.getValue("revised_by") : knowledgeGR.getValue("author");
              if (users.indexOf(author) != -1)
                  users.splice(users.indexOf(author), 1);
          if (users.length > 0) {
              users = this._filterInactiveUsers(users.toString());
              if (!gs.nil(users))
                  return users;
      var kbOwner = knowledgeGR.kb_knowledge_base.owner;
      var kbManagers = knowledgeGR.kb_knowledge_base.kb_managers;
      var approvers = '';
      if ( {
          //Approval activity will handle any trailing comma, if there are no managers.
          approvers = kbOwner + ",";
      approvers = approvers + this._filterInactiveUsers(kbManagers);
      return approvers;
   * Internal function used to fetch invalid users and remove them from user list.
   * @param users- comma seperated list of user_ids
   * @return String-comma seperated list of user_ids
  _filterInactiveUsers: function(users) {
      if (gs.nil(users)) {
          return '';
      //Fetch for inactive users.
      var inactiveUsers = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
      inactiveUsers.addQuery("active", "false");
      inactiveUsers.addQuery('sys_id', 'IN', users);
  	//Check for any inactiveusers.
      if (inactiveUsers.hasNext()) {
          var userArray = users.split(",");
          while ( {
              var useridx = userArray.indexOf(inactiveUsers.getUniqueValue()+'');
              if (useridx != -1)
                  userArray.splice(useridx, 1);
          users = userArray.toString();
      return users;

   * Gets a list of workflows that can be applied to the kb_knowledge table.
   * @return Array of wf_workflow ids
  getWorkflowIds: function() {
      var arrWorkflowIds = [];

      var gr = new GlideRecord("wf_workflow_version");
      gr.addQuery("published", "true");
      gr.addQuery("table", "kb_knowledge");

      while (
          arrWorkflowIds.push(gr.workflow.sys_id + "");

      return arrWorkflowIds;

  type: 'KBWorkflowSNC'

Sys ID


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