


Wrapper to hold relevant information about the response received from a request


var RESTResponse = Class.create();
RESTResponse.prototype = {

  initialize: function(response) {
      this.response = response;
      this.errorCode = '';
      this.errorMessage = '';

  getHttpMethod: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getHttpMethod() : null;

  getStatusCode: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getStatusCode() : this.errorCode;

  getHeader: function(name) {
      return this.response ? this.response.getHeader(name) : '';

  getHeaders: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getHeaders() : null;

  getBody: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getBody() : this.getErrorMessage();

  haveError: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.haveError() : true;

  getErrorCode: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getErrorCode() : this.errorCode;

  getErrorMessage: function() {
      return this.response ? this.response.getErrorMessage() : this.errorMessage;

  getContent: function() {
      return this.content ? this.content : '';

  getEndpoint: function() {
      return this.endpoint ? this.endpoint : '';

  getParameters: function() {
      return this.parameters ? this.parameters : '';

  setContent: function(content) {
      this.content = content;

  setEndpoint: function(endpoint) {
      this.endpoint = endpoint;

  setError: function(errorMessage) {
      this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

  setParameters: function(parameters) {
      this.parameters = parameters;

  type: 'RESTResponse'

Sys ID


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