


Ajax processor for table editor.


var TableEditorAjaxProcessor = Class.create();
TableEditorAjaxProcessor.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
  _formPath: 'ui/configure.personalize_form/read',
  _listPath: 'ui/configure.personalize_list/read',
  process: function() {
  	if (this.getType() == "loadDefaultFormSection")
  		return this.loadDefaultFormSection();
  	if (this.getType() == "loadDefaultList")
  		return this.loadDefaultList();
  /* Returns sys_id of the default section for a given table */
  loadDefaultFormSection: function() {
  	var tableName = this.getParameter("sysparm_tableName");
  	if (!GlideTableDescriptor.isValid(tableName))
  		return "";
  	var sectionId = SncTableEditor.getDefaultFormSectionId(tableName);
  	if (sectionId == null)
  		sectionId = GlideSysForm.generateDefaultForm(tableName);
  	if(sectionId == null)
  		sectionId = SncTableEditor.getDefaultFormSectionId(tableName);
  	return this._hasAccess(this._formPath, sectionId) ? sectionId : "";
  /* Returns sys_id of the default list of a given table */
  loadDefaultList: function() {
  	var tableName = this.getParameter("sysparm_tableName");
  	if (!GlideTableDescriptor.isValid(tableName))
  		return "";
  	var sysList = new GlideSysList(tableName);
  	var listId = sysList.getStandardListID();

  	if (listId != null)
  		return this._hasAccess(this._listPath, listId) ? listId : "";
  	/* Creates a default list if there are no existing list views for a table */

  	/* Return the sys_id of the default list */
  	var grList = new GlideRecord("sys_ui_list");
  	grList.addQuery('name', tableName);
  	grList.addQuery('view', 'Default view');
  	if (
  		listId = grList.getUniqueValue();
  	return this._hasAccessForContext(this._listPath, grList) ? listId : "";
  _hasAccess: function (resourcePath, contextId) {
  	var contextTable = (this._listPath == resourcePath) ? 'sys_ui_list' : 'sys_ui_section';
  	var contextRecord = new GlideRecord(contextTable);
  	contextRecord.get('sys_id', contextId);
  	return this._hasAccessForContext(resourcePath, contextRecord);
  _hasAccessForContext: function (resourcePath, contextRecord) {
  	if (this._formPath != resourcePath && this._listPath != resourcePath)
  		return false;
  	if (!contextRecord.isValidRecord())
  		return false;
  	var sm = GlideSecurityManager.get();
  	return sm.hasRightsTo(resourcePath, contextRecord);
  type: 'TableEditorAjaxProcessor'

Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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