


Utility class for working with tables in the dictionary



var TableUtils = Class.create();
TableUtils.prototype = {
  initialize: function (tableName) {
  	this.tableName = tableName;
  canStage: function () {
  	if (!GlidePluginManager.isRegistered('com.glideapp.staged_tables')) {
  		return false;
  	if (new StagingEngine().isStaged(this.tableName)) {
  		return false;
  	return true;
  drop: function (tableName) {
  	this.tableName = tableName;
  tableExists: function () {
  	return this.tableName && gs.tableExists(this.tableName);
  isValidField: function (fieldName) {
  	var td = new GlideTableDescriptor(this.tableName);
  	return (td != null && td.isValidField(fieldName));
  createClassField: function (tableName, scopeId) {
  	if (this.tableName === undefined)
  		this.tableName = tableName;

  	if (!this.isSoloClass())
  	SncTableEditor.createElement(tableName, "Class", "sys_class_name", "sys_class_name", "80", "", 
  								 "javascript:current.getTableName();", scopeId);
  	// give all existing records the base class
  	var gr = new GlideRecord(tableName);
  	gr.setValue("sys_class_name", tableName);
  	return tableName;
  _dropFromDatabase: function () {
  dropAndClean: function (tableName) {
  	new TableDrop().drop(tableName);
  dropTableAndExtensions: function (tableName) {
  	var tables = GlideDBObjectManager.get().getTableExtensions(tableName);
  	for (var i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
  * Function to truncate table names to adhere to the database restrictions.
  * We limit all of the physical table names to 80 characters.  
  * So, truncate and log any table names that get shortened.
  * Also change table name to lowercase and alphanumeric and underscores for database.
  sanitizeTableName: function (tableName) {
  	return SNC.TableEditor.sanitizeTableName(tableName);
  * Function to change table name to lowercase, prefix with u_ or the passed application scope
   * for custom tables, and to adhere to the database restrictions.
  getValidTableName: function (sys_scope, tableName) {
  	if (typeof tableName == 'undefined') { // function was called wi only 1 arg, must be tableName
  		return SNC.TableEditor.getValidTableName(sys_scope);
  	} else
  		return SNC.TableEditor.getValidScopedTableName(sys_scope, tableName);

  * Called during dynamic creation of a table from a non-extent reference field value.
  * @param current the table record to be created
  * @param value the value provided in the reference field to be set as the label of the new table
  * @param parent the dictionary field record with the dynamic reference
  * @param grandparent the sys_db_object table record of the dictionary field
  createTableFromDynamicReference: function (current, value, parent, grandparent, scopeParam) {
  	// Catch the case where by hook or by crook, the reference field holds the display value of an existing table.  We
  	// do not want to create a new table with the same label as an existing table.  Not from the dynamic reference, anyway.
  	var existing = new GlideRecord('sys_db_object');
  	existing.query('label', value);
  	if ( {
  		var existingName =;
  		if (existingName.startsWith('imp_') &&
  			existingName =;
  		gs.log("Found existing table with label " + value + ". Using " + existingName + " instead of creating a new one.");
  		return existingName;			
  	var scope = current.sys_scope.toString();
  	if (!scope && typeof parent != "undefined" && parent != null) {
  		scope = parent.sys_scope.toString();
  		current.sys_scope = scope;
  	if (!scope && typeof grandparent != "undefined" && grandparent != null) {
  		scope = grandparent.sys_scope.toString();
  		current.sys_scope = scope;

  	// First, make sure we are not referencing ourself.
  	var newName = this.getValidTableName(scope, value);

  	if (typeof grandparent != "undefined" && grandparent != null) {
  		var gscope = grandparent.sys_scope.toString();
  		var grandparentName = this.getValidTableName(gscope, || grandparent.label);
  		if (grandparentName == newName) {
  			// We are referencing ourself, so flee
  			return newName;
  	// Next, make sure we did not already create this table in this transaction
  	var gr = new GlideRecord(newName);
  	if (gr.isValid()) {
  		return newName;
  	current.label = value;
  	// setup module metadata so a module will be created when current table is inserted if the original
  	// table has a module.  If so, then both module's will be assigned to the same menu.
  	// Also sets up user user role metadata to ensure the ACLs are autocreated as expected
  	this.setUpModuleAndUserRoleForDynamicReferenceTableCreate(current, parent, grandparent, newName);
  	var msg = gs.getMessage("Created new table named {0}.", current.getDisplayValue());
  	var link =
  	" <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"var url = new GlideURL('');"
  	+ " url.addParam('sys_id', '" + current.sys_id + "');"
  	+ " var frame = top.gsft_main;"
  	+ "	if (!frame) frame = top;"
  	+ " frame.location = url.getURL();\">"
  	+ gs.getMessage("Click here to view it")
  	+ "</a>";
  	gs.addInfoMessage(msg + link);
  	return newName;
   * This is only be called by the method above, with current.sys_scope already set.
   * Sets up necessary metadata to create a module when the dynamic refernce table is created only
  * if the original table itself has a module.  If the original table has a module the new table
  * will have a module in the same menu.
  * Furthermore, sets the dyanmic table (current) with the same "create_access_controls" and "user_role" settings as its base table
  * @param current the table record to be created
  * @param parent the dictionary field record with the dynamic reference
  * @param grandparent the sys_db_object table record of the dictionary field
  * @param newTableName the valid table name of the dynamic table being created
  setUpModuleAndUserRoleForDynamicReferenceTableCreate: function (current, parent, grandparent, newTableName) {
  	// grandparent is set if dynamic table create is initiated during the
  	// insert/edit of a sys_db_object table record via the table editor;
  	// however, we are only concerned when grandparent is being inserted
  	var validGrandparent = typeof grandparent != 'undefined' && grandparent != null && !grandparent.nil() && grandparent.getTableName() == 'sys_db_object';
  	var app = current.sys_scope;

  	if (validGrandparent && grandparent.operation() == 'insert') {
  		// currently creating sys_db_object table record (grandparent)
  		// so see what menu its module is going to be assigned to
  		var menu = SNC.TableEditor.getSelectedMenu(grandparent);
  		if (menu != null) {
  			// found menu so create a module for new dynamic table assigned to the same menu
  			SNC.TableEditor.setTableModule(newTableName, true, menu, app);
  		// now lets set current's create_access_controls and user role the same as the grandparent
  		current.create_access_controls = grandparent.create_access_controls;
  		current.user_role = grandparent.user_role;
  	} else {
  		// check if original table is assigned a module
  		var tableName = ! ? : (validGrandparent ? : null);
  		if (tableName != null) {
  			var moduleRecord = new GlideRecord('sys_app_module');
  			moduleRecord.addQuery('name', tableName);
  			if ( {
  				// original table has a module, so create module for this new dynamic table with the same menu
  				SNC.TableEditor.setTableModule(newTableName, true, moduleRecord.application.toString(), app);
  			// retrieve the base table and assign current its create_access_controls and user_role setting
  			var tableRecord = validGrandparent ? grandparent : new GlideRecord('sys_db_object');
  			if(!tableRecord.isValidRecord() && tableName != null) {
  				tableRecord.addQuery('name', tableName);
  			if(tableRecord.isValidRecord()) {
  				// we found a valid base table so lets use it
  				current.create_access_controls = tableRecord.create_access_controls;
  				current.user_role = tableRecord.user_role;
  * Return an array of table names in the table parent hierarchy
  * @return ArrayList
  getTables: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().getTables(this.tableName);
  * Return an array of table extensions
  * @return ArrayList
  getTableExtensions: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().getTableExtensions(this.tableName);
  * Return an array of table extensions, includes base table
  * @return ArrayList
  getAllExtensions: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().getAllExtensions(this.tableName);
  * given a class (like cmdb_ci_server), recurse up the tree until we find our root class
  * e.g. cmdb_ci
  * @return String
  getAbsoluteBase: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().getAbsoluteBase(this.tableName);
  * Returns a list of all classes participating in the hierarchy of the given table.
  * For example, given cmdb_ci_netgear this method will return cmdb_ci, cmdb_ci_netgear,
  * cmdb_ci_ip_router, and cmdb_ci_ip_switch.
  * @return List
  getHierarchy: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().getHierarchy(this.tableName);
  * returns true if the given object has extensions e.g. task has extensions, but incident does not
  * @return Boolean
  hasExtensions: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().hasExtensions(this.tableName);
  * Returns true if the given class has no parents and has extensions. Thus "task" is a base
  * class (since it has no parents but does have extensions), but sys_user is not (since it
  * has no parents, but does not have extensions).
  * @return Boolean
  isBaseClass: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().isBaseClass(this.tableName);
  * Returns true if the given class has no parents and no extensions.  Thus "task" is not a
  * solo class, but "sys_user" is.
  * @return Boolean
  isSoloClass: function () {
  	return GlideDBObjectManager.get().isSoloClass(this.tableName);
  * For tables in a tree (TPC) structure, use this method to cleanup any potential orphaned rows
  * before dropping a table. For flattened tables (TPH) this method is a no-op.
  cleanHierarchicalData: function(tableName) {
  	if (!tableName)
  _z: function () {
  	return "TableUtils";

Sys ID


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