


Some utility functions used by discovery for virtual machines and provisioning for virtual machines


var VMUtils;

(function() {

var morMap = { },
  uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/i,
  correlationIdRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{2} ){7}[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}( [0-9a-f]{2}){7}$/i,
  spaceRegex = / /g,
  dashRegex = /-/g,
  hexByteRegex = /[0-9a-f]{2}/ig,
  morTypeToTable = {
  	VirtualMachine: 'cmdb_ci_vmware_instance',
  	Network: 'cmdb_ci_vmware_network',
  	VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch: 'cmdb_ci_vmware_dvs',
  	DistributedVirtualPortgroup: 'cmdb_ci_network',
  	HostSystem: 'cmdb_ci_esx_server',
  	ClusterComputeResource: 'cmdb_ci_vcenter_cluster',
  	ComputeResource: 'cmdb_ci_esx_server',
  	VirtualApp: 'cmdb_ci_esx_resource_pool',
  	ResourcePool: 'cmdb_ci_esx_resource_pool',
  	Datastore: 'cmdb_ci_vcenter_datastore',
  	Datacenter: 'cmdb_ci_vcenter_datacenter',
  	StoragePod: 'cmdb_ci_vcenter_datastore',
  	Folder: 'cmdb_ci_vcenter_folder'
  copiedParms = [ 'debug', 'isTriggered','fixed_credential_id',
  			   'priority', 'mid_selector_details',
  			   'vcenter_sys_id', 'vcenter_uuid', 'datacenter_sys_id', 'datacenter_mor_id',
  			   'ignoreCert', 'vcenter_port', 'avoid_id_engine', 'enable_cmp_qa', 'vcenter_timeout',
  			   'esx_sys_id', 'delete_stale_relationships' ];

VMUtils = {
  turnUuidToCorrelationId: turnUuidToCorrelationId,
  turnCorrelationIdToUuid: turnCorrelationIdToUuid,
  isChangeRequestRequired: isChangeRequestRequired,
  lookupSysIds: lookupSysIds,
  lookupSysIdsInTables: lookupSysIdsInTables,
  lookupSysIdsESX : lookupSysIdsESX,
  getRecForMor: getRecForMor,
  triggerNextPage: triggerNextPage,
  triggerProbes: triggerProbes

* Given a managed object reference (or any object of the same form) return the
* GlideRecord for it.  Returns undefined if the record can't be found.
function getRecForMor(mo, table, vCenterInstanceUuid) {
  table = table || morTypeToTable[mo.type];

  var gr = checkTable(table);
  if (!gr && (table == 'cmdb_ci_vmware_instance'))
  	gr = checkTable('cmdb_ci_vmware_template');

  return gr;

  function checkTable(table) {
  	var gr = new GlideRecord(table);
  	gr.addQuery('vcenter_uuid', vCenterInstanceUuid);
  	gr.addQuery('object_id', mo.val);
  	if (gr.getRowCount() == 1) {;
  		return gr;

* Convert the UUID to a format that matches the original format in our system.  vCenter works with UUIDs
* where the ESX Linux console worked with this format
function turnUuidToCorrelationId(uuid) {

  // The format of the uuid returned from vCenter is fixed to match this reg exp, according
  // to the documentation, so it should match, but verify anyway and return an empty string
  // if it doesn't match
  var verify = uuidRegex.exec(uuid);

  if (verify) {
      var stripped = uuid.replace(dashRegex, '');

      var match = hexByteRegex.exec(stripped);
      var id = '';

      while (match) {
          if (id.length > 0)
              id += ' ';
          id += match;
          match = hexByteRegex.exec(stripped);

      // Based on the expected format, currently will always be in the same spot
      return id.substr(0, 23) + '-' + id.substr(24);

  return '';

* Turn a correlation ID into a UUID for a virtual machine in our system
function turnCorrelationIdToUuid(correlation_id) {
  var verify = correlationIdRegex.exec(correlation_id);
  if (verify) {
      var collapsed = correlation_id.replace(spaceRegex, '');
      var uuid = collapsed.substr(0,8) + "-" + collapsed.substr(8,4) + "-"
            + collapsed.substr(12,9) + "-" + collapsed.substr(21);
      return uuid;

  return '';

function isChangeRequestRequired(action) {


* Given a list of MORs, look up their sys_ids.
* @param mors: Array of MORs or a single MOR.
* @param table: Table name to search
* @param esx: sys_id of the ESX Server that owns the objects
* @param morColumn: Optional, defaults to 'object_id'.  Name of the MOR id column in 'table'.
* @param morsResult: Optional, array to contain matching mor ids.
* @return: an array or single sys_id depending on the type of the 'mors' parameter
* sys_ids will be cached, so invalid sys_ids could be returned for deleted records.

function lookupSysIdsESX(mors, table, esx, morColumn, morsResult){
  return lookupSysIdsCommon(mors, table, false, esx, morColumn, morsResult);

function lookupSysIdsCommon(mors, table, isVCenter, refId, morColumn, morsResult){
  var gr, returnOne,
  	morsToLookup = [ ],
  	sysIds = [ ],
  	found = 0;

  morColumn = morColumn || 'object_id';
  morMap[table] = morMap[table] || { };

  if (typeof mors == 'string') {
  	returnOne = true;
  	mors = [ mors ];

  if (!mors)
  	return sysIds;

  // See which mors I haven't looked up yet
  	function(mor) {
  		if (!morMap[table][mor.morid || mor])
  			morsToLookup.push(mor.morid || mor);

  // Look them up
  if (morsToLookup.length) {
  	gr = new GlideRecord(table);
  	if (isVCenter)
  		gr.addQuery('vcenter_ref', refId);
  	else {
  		if (table === 'cmdb_ci_esx_server')
  			gr.addQuery ('sys_id',refId);
  			gr.addQuery('server', refId);// reference to cmdb_ci_esx_server

  	gr.addQuery(morColumn, 'IN', morsToLookup);

  	while ( {
  		morMap[table][gr[morColumn]] = '' + gr.sys_id;

  	function(mor) {
  		var sysId = morMap[table][mor.morid || mor];
  		if (sysId)
  		if (morsResult instanceof Array)
  			morsResult.push(mor.morid || mor);
  		if (typeof morsResult == 'string')
  			mor[morsResult] = sysId || mor[morsResult];

  return returnOne ? sysIds[0] : sysIds;
* Given a list of MORs, look up their sys_ids.
* @param mors: Array of MORs or a single MOR.
* @param table: Table name to search
* @param vcenter: sys_id of the vCenter that owns the objects
* @param morColumn: Optional, defaults to 'object_id'.  Name of the MOR id column in 'table'.
* @param morsResult: Optional, array to contain matching mor ids.
* @return: an array or single sys_id depending on the type of the 'mors' parameter
* sys_ids will be cached, so invalid sys_ids could be returned for deleted records.
function lookupSysIds(mors, table, vcenter, morColumn, morsResult) {
  return lookupSysIdsCommon(mors, table, true, vcenter, morColumn, morsResult);

* * Given a list of MORs, look up their sys_ids by calling "lookupSysIds" method for each table.
* @param mors: Array of MORs or a single MOR.
* @param tables: Array of table names to search in
* @param vcenter: sys_id of the vCenter that owns the objects
* @param morColumn: Optional, defaults to 'object_id'.  Name of the MOR id column in 'table'.
* @param morsResult: Optional, array to contain matching mor ids.
* @return: An array. If no sys_ids found then it returns empty array.
* sys_ids will be cached, so invalid sys_ids could be returned for deleted records.
function lookupSysIdsInTables(mors, tables, vcenter, morColumn, morsResult) {
  var sysIds = [ ];
  var morsCopy = [];

  if (tables instanceof Array)
  	tables.forEach(function(table) {
  		var sysId = lookupSysIds(mors, table, vcenter, morColumn, morsResult);

  		* Lookup functions are dependent on modifying the object passed in as a param (mors)
  		* Multiple cis per mor causes prev result to be overwritten (DEF0359344)
  		* Need to save each result per table and modify original mors obj
  		* Need to deep copy obj because original mors obj gets overwritten per DEF
  		if (sysId) {
  			var deepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mors));
  			morsCopy = morsCopy.concat(deepCopy);

  		if (sysId instanceof Array)
  			sysIds = sysIds.concat(sysId);
  		else if (typeof sysId == 'string')

  	// Need to modify original obj (mors) to align with current impl
  	// Direct assignment (mors=morsCopy) does not modify original obj
  	for (var i=0; i < morsCopy.length; i++) {
  		mors[i] = morsCopy[i];

  return sysIds;

// Utility to trigger discovery of the next page of objects.  Used by
// vCenter sensors.
function triggerNextPage(_this, leftovers, additionalParms) {

  // If there's no next page then we don't have anything to do.
  if (!leftovers || !leftovers.length)

  var parms = { mor_ids: JSON.stringify(leftovers) };

  additionalParms = (additionalParms || [ ]).concat(copiedParms);

  _this.triggerProbe(g_probe.getParameter('probe_name'), parms);

  function copyParm(name) {
  	if (g_probe.getParameter(name))
  		parms[name] = g_probe.getParameter(name);

// Get parameters for the next probe to trigger
// _this {DiscoverySensor}     this object, required to call DiscoverySensor.triggerProbes.
// ids {Object}                MOR IDs of vCenter objects processed by the sensor.  Usually
//                             contains a single type of object, but will contain all object
//                             types when called by the datacenters sensor.
// parms {Object}              Optional parameters to pass.  Used by datacenters sensor.  Other
//                             sensors just copy parameters from the previous probe, but the
//                             previous probe doesn't have the required parameters for the
//                             datacenters sensor.
function triggerProbes(_this, ids, parms) {
  var name, objects,
  	remaining = { };

  parms = parms || { };


  _this.triggerProbes(prepFn, parms, copiedParms);

  // Prepare to call the discovery_sensor_probe_conditional condition script.
  // Called repeatedly for each probe until it returns falsey.
  function prepFn(parms) {
  	var numInGroup,
  		data = { };

  	// Prepare to be called for another probe type
  	if (!Object.keys(remaining).length) {

  	// Chop off the correct number of items, based on the number of
  	// parallel probes for each type of probe.
  	for (name in remaining) {
  		numInGroup = Math.ceil(objects[name].length/remaining[name]);
  		data[name] = objects[name].splice(0, numInGroup);
  		if (!objects[name].length || !remaining[name])
  			delete remaining[name];

  	return data;

  function initForNextProbe() {
  	objects = { };

  	for (name in ids) {
  		objects[name] = [ ];

  		// Copy the identifying information out of the objects that were passed in.
  		ids[name].forEach(function(obj) { if (obj.morid) objects[name].push( { type: obj.type, morid: obj.morid }); else objects[name].push(obj); });
  		// The number of parallel probes remaining to trigger
  		remaining[name] = parseInt(_this.getParameter('parallel_' + name + '_probes')) || 1;


Sys ID


Offical Documentation

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