


Contains functions for parsing XML formatted Windows - Installed Software information Please keep consistent with the WindowsInstalledSoftwareLegacy MID server script include for testing purposes, as well as in case Classic mode is enabled on the probe


var WindowsInstalledSoftwareLegacy = Class.create();

WindowsInstalledSoftwareLegacy.prototype = {
   * Runs the probe instance
  process : function(output, related_data) {  
  	related_data.packages = [];
  	var registry = output.Registry;
      if (JSUtil.nil(registry))
      var softwareList = this.getSoftware(registry);

      for (var sw in softwareList)
  	var osPackage = {};
  	related_data.osPackage = this._setOSIDs(osPackage, registry);
  	related_data.caption = output.Win32_OperatingSystem.Caption;
  	related_data.osVersion = output.Win32_OperatingSystem.Version;
  	var iePkgObj = this.getIEPackage(registry);
  	if (JSUtil.notNil(iePkgObj))
  getSoftware: function(registry) {
      var softwareList = {};
      var productIds = this.getProductIds(registry, softwareList); //get product ID as well as software entries.
      var officeLic = this.getOfficeLicenses(registry);

      var softwareReg = [];

      for (var i = 0; i < softwareReg.length; i++) {
          var node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, softwareReg[i]);
          if (!node)

          this.parseSoftware(node, softwareList, productIds, officeLic);

  	this.updateAdobeAcrobat(registry, softwareList);
      return softwareList;
  parseSoftware: function(node, softwareList, productIds, officeLic) {
      var nodeArray = g_array_util.ensureArray(node.entry);
      for (var dataKey = 0; dataKey < nodeArray.length; dataKey++) {
          var displayName = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "DisplayName");
          var parentDisplayName = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "ParentDisplayName");
          var displayVersion = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "DisplayVersion");
          var publisher = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "Publisher");
          var uninstallString = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "UninstallString");
          var installDate = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "InstallDate");
          var msiID = this.parseMsiId(uninstallString);

          if (!displayName)

          var uniqueName = this.getUniqueName(displayName, displayVersion);
          // Sometimes we encounter two entries of that have the same name, but one has the msi_id and the
          // other one doesn't. In which case we want to give it another chance matching the office license.
          if (softwareList[uniqueName]) {
              if (JSUtil.nil(msiID) || JSUtil.notNil(softwareList[uniqueName].msi_id)) {
  				//populate detailed information 
  				softwareList[uniqueName].part_of = parentDisplayName;
  				softwareList[uniqueName].install_date = installDate;

          if (displayName == "detectedInvalidXMLCharacter") {
              this.log("Detected an invalid character in registry for " + displayName , 
                      'Windows - Installed Software Sensor', this.getEccQueueId(), null);
          softwareList[uniqueName] = {};
          softwareList[uniqueName].name = displayName;
          softwareList[uniqueName].version = displayVersion;
          softwareList[uniqueName].vendor = publisher;
          softwareList[uniqueName].part_of = parentDisplayName;
          softwareList[uniqueName].uninstall_string = uninstallString;
          softwareList[uniqueName].install_date = installDate;
  		if (/Acrobat/.test(displayName) && !JSUtil.nil(uninstallString) && (uninstallString.indexOf("{") >= 0)&&(uninstallString.indexOf("}") >= 0)) {
  			var editionString = uninstallString.split("{")[1];
  				editionString = editionString.split("}")[0];
  				if (!JSUtil.nil(editionString)) {
  					var splitEdition = editionString.split("-");
  					if (splitEdition.length >= 4)
  						softwareList[uniqueName].edition = splitEdition[3];
  			softwareList.adobe_acrobat = softwareList[uniqueName];

          // If product id is non-existent, don't bother since the following info is for creating licenses.
          // And without a product id, we just wouldn't do it.
          if (JSUtil.nil(productIds[uniqueName]))

          softwareList[uniqueName].product_id = productIds[uniqueName];

          if (JSUtil.nil(msiID) || JSUtil.nil(officeLic[msiID]))

          softwareList[uniqueName].msi_id = msiID;
          softwareList[uniqueName].digital_product_id = officeLic[msiID].digitalproductid;

      return softwareList;

  parseMsiId: function(str) {
      var msiID = "";

      if (str && str.toLowerCase().indexOf("msiexec") > -1) {
          var start = str.indexOf("{");
          var finalString = str.substring(start+1);
          var end = finalString.indexOf("}");
          msiID = finalString.substring(0, end);

      return msiID;
  getIEPackage: function(registry) {
  	var regKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.Software.Microsoft.Internet Explorer";
      var node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, regKey);
      var svcVersion = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node, "svcVersion");
  	var version = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node, "Version");
  	// Check if we can detect IE
  	if (JSUtil.nil(svcVersion) && JSUtil.nil(version))
  	var iePackage = {}; = "Internet Explorer";
      iePackage.vendor = "Microsoft";
  	// Version should work for IE 4.0+. svcVersion is new to IE 10. 
      iePackage.version = svcVersion ? svcVersion : version;
  	regKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.Software.Microsoft.Internet Explorer.Registration";
      node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, regKey);
  	var productId = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node, "ProductId");
  	if (!JSUtil.nil(productId)) 
  		iePackage.product_id = productId;
      return iePackage;

  _setOSIDs: function(osPackage, registry) {
      var node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, 
      var node2 = this.findRegistryNode(registry, 
              "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.Software.Microsoft.Windows NT.CurrentVersion");

      if (!node || !node2)
          return osPackage;

      var prodId = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node, "ProductId");

      if (JSUtil.nil(prodId) || prodId == "") //Try it again at a diff location (like for Vista)...                
          prodId = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node2, "ProductId");

      var dProdId = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(node2, "DigitalProductID");

      osPackage.product_id = prodId;
      osPackage.digital_product_id = dProdId;

      return osPackage;

  getProductIds: function(registry, softwareList) {
      var prodIdReg = [];

      var productIds = {};
      for (var i = 0; i < prodIdReg.length; i++) {
          var node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, prodIdReg[i]);
          if (!node)

          productIds = this.parseProductIds(node, productIds, softwareList);

      return productIds;

  parseProductIds: function(node, productIds, softwareList) {
      var nodeArray = g_array_util.ensureArray(node.entry);
      for (var dataKey=0; dataKey < nodeArray.length; dataKey++) {
          var products = this.findNodeWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "Products");
          if (!products)

          var nodeArray2 = g_array_util.ensureArray(products.entry);
          for (var dataKey2 = 0; dataKey2 < nodeArray2.length; dataKey2++) {
              var installProperties = this.findNodeWithAttribute(nodeArray2[dataKey2], "InstallProperties");
              var publisher = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(installProperties, "Publisher");
              var pid = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(installProperties, "ProductID");
              var name = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(installProperties, "DisplayName");
              var version = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(installProperties, "DisplayVersion");

              if (!name)

              var validPID = true;
              if (pid == null || pid.length == 0 || pid.toLowerCase() == "none")
                  validPID = false;

              // As it turned out, sometimes customers don't have their software in the uninstall resgtries (due to 
              // improper imaging or deliberate efforts), but we should still fish it out this Products registries 
              // first.
              var uniqueName = this.getUniqueName(name, version);
              if (!softwareList[uniqueName]) {
                  softwareList[uniqueName] = {};
                  softwareList[uniqueName].name    = name;
                  softwareList[uniqueName].version = version ;
                  softwareList[uniqueName].vendor  = publisher;
                  if (validPID)
                      softwareList[uniqueName].product_id  = pid;

              if (validPID)
                  productIds[uniqueName] = pid;

      return productIds;

  getOfficeLicenses: function(registry) {
      officeLicenseReg = [];

      var officeLicenses = {};
      for (var i = 0; i < officeLicenseReg.length; i++) {
          var node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, officeLicenseReg[i]);
          if (!node)

          officeLicenses = this.parseOfficeLicense(node, officeLicenses);

      return officeLicenses;

  parseOfficeLicense: function(node, officeLicenses) {
      var nodeArray = g_array_util.ensureArray(node.entry);
      for (var dataKey = 0; dataKey < nodeArray.length; dataKey++) {
          var registrations = this.findNodeWithAttribute(nodeArray[dataKey], "Registration");

          if (!registrations)

          var nodeArray2 = g_array_util.ensureArray(registrations.entry);
          for (var dataKey2 = 0; dataKey2 < nodeArray2.length; dataKey2++) {
              var productID = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray2[dataKey2], "ProductID");
              var digitalProductID = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(nodeArray2[dataKey2], "DigitalProductID");

              var uuid = new String(nodeArray2[dataKey2]['@key']);

              if (uuid.substring(0, 1) == "{")
                  uuid = uuid.substring(1, uuid.length-1);

              officeLicenses[uuid] = {};
              officeLicenses[uuid].productid = productID;
              officeLicenses[uuid].digitalproductid = digitalProductID;

      return officeLicenses;
  // Find the proper edition for Adobe Acrobat (pro vs standard)
  updateAdobeAcrobat: function(registry, softwareList) {
      // Did we find adobe acrobat?  If not, just skip this.
      if (JSUtil.nil(softwareList.adobe_acrobat))
      // There are multiple "*" in the key so we need to iterate through
      var users_node = this.findRegistryNode(registry, "HKEY_USERS");
      if (!users_node) {
          delete softwareList.adobe_acrobat;
      var users_node_array = g_array_util.ensureArray(users_node.entry);
      for (var dataKey=0; dataKey < users_node_array.length; dataKey++) {
          var tracks = this.findRegistryNode(users_node_array[dataKey], "SOFTWARE.Adobe.Adobe Acrobat");
          if (!tracks) {
              delete softwareList.adobe_acrobat;
          var tracks_array = g_array_util.ensureArray(tracks.entry);
          for (var dataKey2 = 0; dataKey2 < tracks_array.length; dataKey2++) {
              var entitlement_node = this.findRegistryNode(tracks_array[dataKey2], "AVEntitlement");
              var entitlementLevel = this.findNodeValueWithAttribute(entitlement_node, "iEntitlementLevel");

              if (!JSUtil.nil(entitlementLevel) && (entitlementLevel == 200 || entitlementLevel == 300)) {
                  softwareList.adobe_acrobat.edition = entitlementLevel;

  getUniqueName: function(name, version) {
      return name + " " + version;
   * Manage the Windows installed software xml
   * Example payload:
   *   <results probe_time="6313">
   *     <result>
   *       <Registry>
   *         <entry key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE">
   *           <entry key="Software">
   *             <entry key="Microsoft">
   *               <entry key="Windows">
   *                 <entry key="Name">
   *                   <value>Just a name</value>
   *                 </entry>
   *               </entry>
   *             </entry>
   *           </entry>
   *         </entry>
   *       </Registry>
   *     </entry>
   *   </results>
   *   // To find the value of the key called "name", here's how these methods can be used.
   *   // registry is a variable representing the payload
   *   var node = findRegistryNode(registry, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.Software.Microsoft");
   *   var name = findNodeValueWithAttribute(node, "Name");
  findRegistryNode: function(currNode, regName){
      var node = currNode;
      var names = regName.split(".");

      for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
          node = this.findNodeWithAttribute(node, names[i]);
          if (!node)
              return null;

      return node;

  findNodeWithAttribute: function(currNode, attrName) {
      if (JSUtil.nil(currNode))
          return "";

      var nodeArray = g_array_util.ensureArray(currNode.entry);
      for (var i=0; i<nodeArray.length; i++)
          if (nodeArray[i]['@key'] == attrName)
              return nodeArray[i];

      return null;

  findNodeValueWithAttribute: function(currNode, attrName) {
      if (JSUtil.nil(currNode))
          return "";

      var nodeArray = g_array_util.ensureArray(currNode.entry);

      for (var i=0; i<nodeArray.length; i++) {  
          if (nodeArray[i]['@key'] == attrName) {         
              // WMI - expected output a non-null json object { '@type': "xxx", '#text': "returned value" }
              if (JSUtil.notNil(nodeArray[i].value) && JSUtil.notNil(nodeArray[i].value['#text']))             
                  //return the #text field, ignoring the @type field value
                  return nodeArray[i].value['#text']; 
                  // Powershell - expected output
                  return nodeArray[i].value;		  
  	    } // end if 

      } // end for

      return "";
  type: "WindowsInstalledSoftwareLegacy"

Sys ID


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