There are a number of ways to save your work in ServiceNow. I'm going to go over each.

Update sets

The most common way for customers to save their work, is to create an update set in the scope they are working in, and set it as your default update set. Once you do that, all changes are saved in this update set. You can save it to your computer by setting it's state to complete and exporting it to XML using the related link at the bottom of the update set.

  1. Create an update set
  2. Set it as your default update set
  3. Make your changes
  4. Set the update set to complete
  5. Export the update set to XML

Exporting XML

This isn't that much different than tracking your work in update sets, but I do not recommend it in any work environment.

  1. Find the record(s) you want to export
  2. Right click on the header of the record/list
  3. Click Export > XML
  4. Save the file

Source control (coming soon)

Application repository

It's a lot like source control, but it's built into the platform. It's also not available to customers yet.

  1. Create an application
  2. Make your changes
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push your changes to the remote repo