
Variables are used to store data in as you process it. You can think of them as a temporary post-it note. You can write to it, and read from it. You can also change what is written on it. There's only a few types of variables in Javascript. They are:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Array
  • Function

Technically everything in Javascript is an object, but we'll get to that later. For now, let's just focus on the first 5.


A string is a sequence of characters. It can be a single character, or a whole book.


Common methods I use on strings are:

  • string.length - returns the number of characters in the string
  • string.charAt(index) - returns the character at the index
  • string.indexOf(searchValue) - returns the index of the first occurance of the search value
  • string.lastIndexOf(searchValue) - returns the index of the last occurance of the search value
  • string.substring(startIndex, endIndex) - returns the characters between the start and end index
  • string.split(separator) - returns an array of strings split by the separator
  • string.replace(searchValue, replaceValue) - returns a new string with the search value replaced with the replace value


A number is a number. It can be a whole number, or a decimal.


Common methods I use on numbers are:

  • number.toFixed(decimalPlaces) - returns a string with the number rounded to the decimal places
  • number.toString() - returns a string with the number
  • number.toPrecision(precision) - returns a string with the number rounded to the precision
  • isNaN(number) - returns true if the number is not a number
  • parseInt(string) - returns the integer value of the string
  • parseFloat(string) - returns the float value of the string


A boolean is a true or false value.

ServiceNow Gotcha

ServiceNow is notorius for returning a string instead of a boolean. For example, gs.hasRole('admin') returns a string instead of a boolean. To convert a string to a boolean, you can use the Boolean(string) function.

Truthy and Falsy

Additionally Javascript has a concept of truthy and falsy values. What does this mean. Well, when comparing values, unless you are using the === or !== operators, the values will be converted to a boolean.

Let's look at some examples:

// these are all truthy values
if (true) { gs.print('true is truthy'); }
if ({}) { gs.print('{} is truthy'); }
if ([]) { gs.print('[] is truthy'); }
if (42) { gs.print('42 is truthy'); }

// these are all falsy values
if (false) { gs.print('false is falsy'); }
if (null) { gs.print('null is falsy'); }
if (undefined) { gs.print('undefined is falsy'); }
if (0) { gs.print('0 is falsy'); }
if (NaN) { gs.print('NaN is falsy'); }
if ('') { gs.print('\'\' is falsy'); }


An object is a collection of key value pairs.


Common methods I use on objects are:

  • object.hasOwnProperty(key) - returns true if the object has the key
  • for (var key in object) - iterates over the keys in the object
  • JSON.stringify(object) - returns a string representation of the object
  • JSON.parse(string) - returns an object from the string


An array is a collection of values.


Common methods I use on arrays are:

  • array.length - returns the number of items in the array
  • array.push(value) - adds the value to the end of the array
  • array.forEach(function) - iterates over the array
  • - returns a new array with the function applied to each item


A function is a block of code that can be called. They can take parameters and return something.

Common patterns I use with functions are:


function printIt(param1, param2) {
  // do something
  gs.print(param1 + ' ' + param2);
var calledFunction = printIt('hello', 'world');
// this will print 'hello world'
// but will return undefined
gs.print('calledFunction: ' + calledFunction);// calledFunction: undefined


function returnIt(param1, param2) {
  // do something
  return param1 + ' ' + param2;
var calledFunction = returnIt('hello', 'world');
// this will only return 'hello world'
gs.print('calledFunction: ' + returnIt);// calledFunction: hello world

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

Wrapping code in a function is pretty common. It protects the variables from being updated by other code. The two reasons folks generally say don't use gr as a variable name are;

  1. It's poorly named variable. It's not descriptive.
  2. It's a global variable. It can be updated by other code.

However if you wrap your code in a function, you can use gr as a variable name and it won't be updated by other code. This is called an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). It's a function that is called immediately. It's a common pattern in Javascript.

(function() {
  // do something
  gs.print('hello world');
// this will print 'hello world'

Arrow Functions

This is a ES6 feature but it is very common so I'm just going to address it here. Understanding it's structure will help you read other people's code.

var multiLineArrowFx = (param1, param2) => {
  // do something
  return param1 + ' ' + param2;
// is the same as;
var multiLineFx = function(param1, param2) {
  // do something
  return param1 + ' ' + param2;
var singleLineArrowFx = (param1, param2) => param1 + ' ' + param2;
// is the same as;
var singleLineFx = function(param1, param2) { return param1 + ' ' + param2; }