spModal provides an alternative way to show alerts, prompts, and confirmation dialogs. Additionally you can use spModal.open() to display a widget in a modal dialog. spModal is a lightweight wrapper for angular UI bootstrap's $uibModal. See here for more info: https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/modal
Method | Description |
alert (message).then(fn) | Alert a message. The promise contains a single argument that returns true/false. |
confirm (message).then(fn) | Display a confirmation message. The promise contains a boolean of the user's response. |
prompt (message, defaultValue).then(fn) | Prompt the user for input. Provide a message and an optional default value for the input field. The promise contains the user's response as a string. |
open (object options).then(fn) | Open a modal with a customized set of options. See the options table below. |
Options object definition
Option | type | Default | Description |
title | string | empty | goes in header - can be HTML |
message | string | empty | goes in the body - can be HTML |
buttons | array | Cancel & OK | buttons to show on the dialog |
input | bool | false | if true, shows an input field on the dialog |
value | string | empty | The value of the input field |
widget | string | empty | The Widget Id or sys_id to embed in the modal |
widgetInput | object | null | An object to send to the embedded widget as input |
shared | object | null | A client-side object to share data with the embedded widget client script |
size | string | empty | 'sm' or 'lg' |